Gloomy dramatic walk in the flooded Scottish park before sun blossoms

Hello Hello Hivians.

I often make a post for #WednesdayWalk and today is no different.

However, since April arrived (last Monday) it has rained and rained and rained and so we might be forgiven for thinking we are going for a swim rather than a walk!

Funnily enough I am listening to the radio and they are talking about the wettest 18 months since records began but they are saying there is going to be a water shortage because of how they have let the water infrastructure fall into repair.


Yet the water companies made billions in profit for their greedy shareholders.

Okay rant over!

Let's go.

Did you bring your umbrella, I actually forgot mine. Ah well surely I wouldn't need it!


The date is Saturday 6th April and we are out and about on the way into town.


Scotland in April seems to be a bit hit and miss with the weather, mind you every day in Scotland is hit and miss with the fluffing weather!


The old bear is about to come out of winter hiberantion. Somebody had on their fleeced winter hoodie!

Yes no raincoat today buy scarf and winter hoodie are the order of the day!



I have a confession to make, I don't normally play around with my pics especially ones from my cheap smartphone, which these ones all are.

But I hit pop on google photos to see if it would enhance the mood!


Otherwise they become dreary and bland.

Ah well drab is what we get.

See the wee orange van, that is an ice cream truck.

Back in the day there used to ice cream wars, as these were used to sell drugs.

I am sure they still are, but not as much as in the past, where there actually were ice cream wars!


I just love trees and if you don't, well skip ahead.


Soon when spring moves into summer these will be full with leaves and the park will take on a different appearance.



In the meantime it was time for home for me as I was not feeling too great. Mrs T was at her crochet club and I decided to skip the library and just take the messages home!


But would you look at this!

Balwearie Swimming Pool!


This is the local school, Balwearie High school, it is a secondary school and kids are from 11-18 more or less.


That is the main entrance, so if I was a pupil there, I would have refused to go to school!


I thought I would put a screenshot from my pinmapple account (do you use yours and pin posts?

Do you see what I see in the middle, and I think in light of the above pictures they might have in the wrong place...

Yes Balwearie Swimming Pool!


Next to the school is a playing field.

As you can see it is more like a wee bog!


The football ground is Raith Rovers Football Club and to the right is an Astroturf pitch which is marked on the pinmapple screenshot!


Yes it has been wet, actually I had not been through that short cut home that week so was shocked to see the water!



Mrs T came back a couple of hours later, but Scotland being Scotland just look at the weather. She decided to take three pics for me as she knows I am picture obsessed!


Look at that blue sky!

Same town more or less the same location as my pics, maybe a ten minute walk in difference, just a couple of hours later!


One of our local churches, it appears to be without a Minister as his name was blacked out on the sign I saw recently.


My day was completed in fine style when I came second in a wee poker tournament hosted by our very own @caribdao and @donald.porter in CARIB Poker 31 ♦️ $24 + NFT Prize Pool!

They have a weekly poker tournament and commentary in their lively Discord. Go check them out and get some Jamaican tropical vibes when you are it!


I just hope the weather turns and we can get out for some further afield nature walks!

Can you believe this!

I usually write my posts either last thing at night or first thing in the morning before 7am, well this morning it is the latter, and half an hour ago I took some rubbish out...


Just look at the weather there is sun!

Ah well a walk for next week ....

This post is also my second April 2024 walk for #wednesdaywalk which was started by the wonderful @tattoodjay.

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo and from my November walk in Kirkcaldy in Scotland. Photos taken with my smartphone.
@tengolotodo April 10th 2024


Haste Ye Back!

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