Wednesday Walk in late fall: Peterhof, Lower Park


Golden autumn has many advantages and one very serious disadvantage: it always ends too quickly. I can't remember a single time when I could say: "This year I've had enough of walking in the parks, I'm tired of turning up the fallen leaves, and my eyes are tired of looking at all the bright colors. It's time to settle down on the couch under a warm blanket with an interesting book, and let the huge snowflakes fall slowly outside the window." Never once has this happened, and here it is again ... Again, the golden autumn ended too quickly. The colorful leaves on the trees are almost gone, except for these remnants of the former luxury that can be seen underfoot.

The park's ticket office is closed

The Grand Palace

I decided to go for a walk in the suburban park in Peterhof this time to see those colorful fallen leaves on the paths of the park and on the lawns, before the gardeners dislodged all those leaves into huge bags. The weather forecast was encouraging: variable cloud cover, but in reality the weather was overcast. Small patches of blue sky could only be seen to the side, above the horizon. Nevertheless, there was no rain, no gray November gloom, and no wind - so the weather could be considered very good.



I started my walk from the Peterhof Grand Palace. From the palace you could see the park with its fountains... However in late autumn and winter the fountains don't work, so on this day I just had a view of the park. Park sculptures are removed for the winter in protective cases, fountains are turned off, the hydraulic system is drained. But there is an undeniable plus: the entrance to the park becomes free, and there are far fewer visitors than in the high tourist season.



Deserted alleys, fallen leaves... this is how the park looks at the end of autumn.



The Lions Cascade Fountain. The lions turn away from the public and it is very difficult to look them in the eyes.



From the Grand Palace, I walked to Marly Palace. I really like this little palace at the west end of the park. It has a special elegance.




The landscape architects took care to make life in Marly Palace as comfortable as possible. The palace is separated from the Gulf of Finland by a high embankment, so it is well protected from strong sea winds.



On top of this protective rampart is an alley for walks. This avenue offers beautiful views toward the Gulf of Finland, and it is pleasant to walk here in windless weather.




It gets dark very early at this time of year, and soon the sky on the horizon began to turn the colors of sunset. Finally I walked along the shore of the bay to the pavilion-museum "Imperial Yachts". Nearby there is a pier, and in the summer you can come here by boat. But the navigation season was already over, I had a choice between two types of overland transport: a suburban electric train and a bus. I looked at my smartphone to check the schedule, and I chose the bus. To finish, I took a picture of two recently renovated wooden houses near the bus stop. There are not many old buildings in Peterhof, but there are very interesting buildings.


SmartphoneGoogle Pixel 3a
LocationSaint Petersburg, Russia

This is my entry for the #WednesdayWalk challenge by @tattoodjay.

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