Wednesday Walk - St. Patrick's Day

Here are some dramatic shots of Chicago post St. Patrick's day for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay
The Chicago River gets dyed green for St. Patty's day. The plumbers union drives boats around with some kind of bright green dye and blasts it into the river.

Now the river will be green for the next few weeks. Fortunately the dye is natural so the fish don't mind it. I suspect some of the Canadian geese that swim in there might have green down feathers though.

I always avoid Chicago during St. Patrick's day or any other large holiday. Too many drunks and crowds, there are always a couple people falling into the river during this time lol.

Now for some stretchy panoramas of the city. This building is quite new. It used to be a General Growth building with an all beige interior with beige cubicles on every floor. Quite depressing. Now its a big shiny glass building with fancy restaurants that serve drinks that spill out fog and have fancy decorations on them.

Gotta cross this interior bridge every day to get to the outside bridges. Never eat Sbarro for lunch, too many carbs and it puts you to sleep for the rest of the day with a feeling of having a lead brick in your belly.

I always thought they would turn this parking lot into another skyscraper. So far the strange one level parking lot is surviving and it gives a nice spot to get surrounding buildings into view.

Here's a strange alleyway that is quite skinny. I sure would hate having to evacuate the building on this fire escape.

This alleyway is much wider and points directly to the CME Group building in alignment with their twin towers. It's a good shortcut to avoid too much foot traffic during lunch.

This is pretty much the center of the financial district of Chicago. You can see the Sear's/Willis tower poking up on the upper left. The grassy area is quite popular for office drones to eat their lunch during lunch break. Only when it's warm though, right now the wind is so powerful it would blow their hamburgers and salads away.

Here's a shot of the river dying, too many people, too much drinking for me to be around lol.

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