Wednesday Walk - Spring Blooms

Spring is starting up around here for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay
The Canadian geese are honking all over the place here and starting their nests.

This goose has already started a nest and probably has a few eggs underneath her. Hopefully the goslings will be running around in a few weeks.

The day started out kind of dark and rainy with lots of wind but later on the sun came out. In the meantime I took a few photos of the cloud layers.

All the rain is causing the flowers to start budding. I believe these are daffodils.

This batch got an early start and is already blooming. I'll have to check in on the larger batch later to see a huge burst of yellow.

This is Sanguinaria canadensis aka bloodroot starting to bloom.

Bloodroot is a toxic plant but it has some commercial uses where a compound in it is used in dental hygiene products. It is also used as a natural dye, probably producing a red color from the root.

I'm not sure what these ones are... I thought they looked like rue anemone but the leaves are wrong.

This looks like Siberian squill (Scilla siberica). This plant is native to Russia and Turkey but I suspect it got here as an ornamental plant in people's gardens. It seems to like it here as I see quite a bit of it growing out in the wild.

Some of the trees are also blooming. Soon this place will be full of pollen and bees everywhere. Maybe next week I can get some shots of bees covering this tree once it gets a bit less windy and rainy here.

Moss is looking nice and green here as well. Unfortunately I haven't found any morel mushrooms growing yet... Hopefully this year will be bountiful and there will be some nice specimens of mushrooms growing out of this bright green moss.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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