Wednesday Walk - More Signs of Fall

Fall is practically here for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay
On our early morning walk we found this pristine condition pipevine swallowtail. Rarely do I ever see them in such perfect condition holding still enough for a shot.

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Leaves are falling everywhere too, this one looks just like a heart. I really need to get better at tree identification to better help me with mushroom foraging.

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The red maples are changing first as usual. Their leaves will be all fallen down by the time the yellow leaves change color.

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Some leaves are even falling before they change color. Maybe a squirrel knocked this one down into the water.

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I felt something looking at me and turned around to see this bog creature. He is loving mucking around in the leafy mud.

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The turtles haven't dug into the mud yet for hibernation. This red eared slider is catching all the sun rays he possibly can before having to freeze solid underground.

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Now its time to feed the invasive carps in the lake. I read somewhere you can turn these guys in for 100 bucks each, though I bet the turn in location is somewhere way in Southern Illinois.

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The carp are way too big for the herons to eat. They have plenty of bluegill though.

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This one was quite tame. I was hoping to see it catch something but after waiting for 10 minutes nothing happened.

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The bees are still around and stocking up on honey before the winter comes. I wonder if this one is from a wild hive or a bee box?

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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