Wednesday Walk - Finally Some Snow

Finally it decided to snow a bit here this winter for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay

I decided to take a break from watching the baby and go out for a walk while it snowed. The lake is a great place to catch some snow laden trees with fancy houses in the background.

It was a strange snow day as it seemed quite warm. The lake isn't even frozen over but enough snow was falling to stick a bit on the lake house.

This will be my fate in a few months as my baby grows older. This kid was off to the snowy hill where they can sled a bit. Right now my kid is way to little to be bringing out in the snow for walks.

I also went on this walk to find more material for #squirrelsunday but sadly they were all in their nests. I didn't even get to see a shot of a big fluffy tail sticking out of their little leaf houses.

The sparrows were a bit more cooperative as they were gorging on wild rosehips. There's enough of these rose hips to last them all winter but I suspect they get most their food from feeders around the neighborhood.

The dried up thistles catch the snow nicely. I bet there are a bunch of beetle eggs hidden in the dry stalks of these thistles. Poor things have to be frozen until spring hits.

As long as the lake isn't frozen over the Canadian geese are always hanging around. This is quite a mild winter so these guys don't even need to migrate farther south and they have plenty of grass to eat under the snow.

Domesticated dogs are the only thing that will cause the geese to fly away. Sometimes the owners will let their dogs off the leash to scare up a flock of them off the ground. This time there was too much snow for the owners to let them off the leash.

As there wasn't enough squirrel or bird action out in the snow I decided to take photos of the buildings. This old gothic church looks interesting with some white highlights.

Here's a more modern church that has a sort of 70s era style to it.

Now for some really old apartments. I once inquired about renting here and they said they had waterbugs but not roaches. Then I looked up what a waterbug was and they are basically roaches lol.

The guy who owns the Italian restaurant rides this Indian motorcycle to work. I wonder how tough it is to ride in the snow... Fortunately all this snowfall melted the same day and none of it actually stuck on the streets.

That's all for now, thanks for looking hopefully we'll escape the harsh winter this year and just have some easy snows like this until spring arrives.

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