Wednesday Walk - A Forest Walk

Some strange looking sculptures were added to the arboretum. I'll have to keep an eye out for these tacky things as I make my way around here for the rest of the year. Typically I stay out of the populated areas and go deep into the forest where the wildlife is.

The day was quite nice, perfect sunlight and temperature. It still feels like spring around here but with summer scenery.

The hawk seemed to like this day as well, it was screaming around nonstop above scaring everything half to death below lol. All the squirrels and birds were doing their warning sounds.

This baby robin took shelter in the thick forest to avoid the hawk. I bet this guy was still being fed by its parents just a week ago.

The red wing was unfazed by the hawk. These guys like attacking them in the air to protect their territories. He nonchalantly kept preening despite the hawk screams above.

I found a little tank on the bark path. I suspect this painted turtle is/was laying eggs somewhere around here.

Nearby is their swamp full of duckweed and dead trees.

There are probably a good hundred or more turtles in this muck.

I found a strange tomatillo looking plant. I have no idea what it is...

Later on down the path I saw a puffed up robin sunning itself. I wasn't sure what it was from a distance, I've never seen them do this before.

Towards the end of my walk the clouds started forming. It likes to rain a lot here during summer. Hopefully it won't create too many mosquitos later on...

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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