Celebration of life

Hey everyone. Celebration is the key of life, in individuals life is compulsory we need to celebrate once a while because it keeps us going, life is a journey that will end some day , so when you are alive try to be social and keep friends around that are loving and caring around you and also to support and stand by you. Today I and my colleagues visited a school that one of our lecturer has and we were so much excited when we get there and how the student welcome us. Love is an amazing experience everyone needs to experience in their daily life. The love we were show was wonderful.

Our lecturer who was a professor celebrated his the school he founder long time ago. He started narrating about the system of the school and how God has brought him this far. I was shock when he said he had nothing when he decided to have a school and be the Director of the school, he also narrate how he came about building the school and employing teacher but it was not an easy tax for him.

He started with his wife and went on thanking his wife for her support towards the school and how the system of the school is going smoothly. He also went on saying, having a supportive wife will make your dreams come to reality.

The celebration of the school went so well and they gave out awards to the best teacher and student and also went ahead to thank the student and teachers for keeping the school system intact and also coming this far. The school came about 2004, and this has brought so much Joy to the family of Professor John James, the founder of Bright Futures international college.

I and my team members was so honored and welcome in the celebration, we were well recognize. Today was a great experience and something we could remember.

Thanks for stopping by to read my article I appreciate.

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