Wednesday walk - Exploration with new route


This weekend we thought to explore Sahastradhara River, for which we decided to walk along the riverside and see if any other pond has been made here for swimming.


Sahastradhara is a holy and religious place where Guru Dronacharya ji lived in a cave and did a warship for Lord Shiva. Thousands of streams fall here and there is a very ancient temple of Lord Shiva. Therefore this place was named Sahastradhara.

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There is sulfur in this water, and it is believed that this water cures skin diseases and stomach-related diseases, hence people come from faraway places to take a bath in take water to drink.


We walked from home to the bus stand which is 1 kilometer. From here we took the bus to where the river starts.


The distance of the river from the bus stand is about 11 kilometers, till a year ago I used to go by running this route. At that time this road was two-lane, due to making it four lanes, all the old trees were cut down and now there is only sunlight on this road.


After reaching the river, I and my friends took off our full lower, we had come wearing shorts from home so that it would be easier to cross the river.


Throughout this route, we came across many areas which were quite crowded because families had come for picnic, some people were cooking Maggi and some people were cooking chicken. Some areas were wonderful where there were only butterflies, fish, and birds.


Among our friends, two of us know how to swim, the third is learning and one friend enters the water only with the help of a tube. Thinking that swimming is an important skill, I learned it and it is useful to me today.


We walked about 3 kilometers and finally came to an area where many ponds were formed. Local shopkeepers stop the river water and make it into a pond so that even those people who do not know how to swim can enter the water. I just wanted to swim.


I took a break in between for three hours and also had lunch. This water is so fresh that it refreshes the body. Then we changed and walked 3 kilometers, caught the bus, and left.

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After coming home, we looked on Google to see where this river was and how far we could go to explore it. Next time we will go further to explore the river. This is a very famous outdoor spot for locals and tourists to enjoy nature, swim, enjoy food, and spend quality time with family and friends.

Thank You for stopping by.

Disclaimer - This post is written in Hindi and translated via Google Translator.
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