Our Roadtrip Experience Riding on a Tricycle: Driver License Renewal, Failed Examination, and the Beautiful Sceneries on the Way


I can sense Mom wants to really drive again, and that's why she planned to renew her driving license. I'm happy that despite her age, she still knows what she wants and is really firm about it. And I really want to support her, but, deep inside me, I don't want her to drive anymore. She assured us that she can still drive and that she knows her body, but my anxious mind thought otherwise. I'm supporting her all the way right now, but all I want for her right now is to sit, relax, and play Candy Crush on her phone, but that's impossible (个_个).

Because the adventurous side of Mom hasn't died yet. It's still full of light and seems like it even wants to make it shinier. All I can do now is pray that she will be safe every time that she drives. But fortunately for me (≧▽≦)... She can't do this now because the sidecar on her newly bought motorcycle is not done yet. I'm actually relieved hearing this news. At least, it will take time before mom can drive again. And she also wants to renew her driving license, and we took care of that yesterday in LTO Pinamalayan.

Mom actually just planned to drive nearby, it's just for personal use and for her own entertainment. But she still wants to renew her license, as she said she's still afraid to drive without it. And that's better to have it. She's also encouraging me to take even just a student permit, but I said no, never! I don't have the plan to drive, even though one on my bucket list was to drive a motorcycle and be cool, lol. Still, no, at least not now. Mom then told me how she was so reckless during her prime and that she used to steal her uncle's motorcycle back in the day, lol. But how will I do this if I am so afraid of her back then ( ꈍᴗꈍ).

Anyways, we just rented a tricycle going into LTO. The travel is unpleasant to me because I feel like my nose is also vibrating, and I get anxious because of that. The road is good, but, I don't know, the inside of the tricycle is kind of shaky and bumpy, even though the road is pretty flat.

It's a good thing though that we have beautiful scenery on the way, as I was able to divert my attention in there. It's hard not to notice them, especially since they are so green and pretty. The travel only took 25 minutes, and we arrived in LTO. Really fast, if we take a forland vehicle, it'll sure take more time than 25 minutes.

This is actually just my second time to visit LTO, the first was from a long time ago when Mom had to renew the license of his old tricycle. This place is still the same, there are some little changes, but only a few.

This spot is still the same too. The color of the chairs and wall faded a little, but it really is just the same as what I saw during my last visit. Here's Mom, already waiting for her name to be called.

But before that, Mom had to go through a medical examination just to check if her eyes could still see signs - you know, traffic lights and important signs on the road. Mother passed on that medical examination. Now she's on the next step. She pays first in the cashier for the next step, which is the examination for the nonprofessional.

Mon waited an hour for this because there's a lot of people who applied before her. And as for me, well, I just sit there doing nothing. I was really bored, and the signal is really poor - almost nothing, especially for the SIM card I am using. It is a good thing, though, that I have series downloaded on my phone that I can watch. But even doing that is not good because it's really hot, I experienced a headache. So I just look around here.

But there's really nothing much to see here aside from the passerby and those vehicles that were rotten already. I'm curious now what's the story of those confiscated vehicles. For sure, they are in there because the owner failed to comply with whatever policy the LTO has.

Anyway, I continue walking around to ease my boredom. I saw this tree here bearing lots of fruits. I think it is a cacao tree. Lucky for thw owner, they can make homemade chocolate with all the fruits. Well, only if they know how to make it.

And they also have pretty flowers in here, though it's only in the entrance. It's a beautiful flower enough to make you feel better, if ever you started to feel anxious and you needed something to distract you, this flower would be good. I saw a lady test driving on a motorcycle, and she's very careful doing it. If it's me, I think I'll shake because of pressure. Lolol. But seriously, a flower can help during those times. Righty?

Here's the beauty of the road. There's a lot to see in here. The trip will be more amazing while enjoying the view while traveling. These photos were taken on our way home. Mom failed the examination because it is on a computer, the font size is super small, and Mom can't read it well, and she also said that it is really hard. And here I thought it would be easy for her because she's so confident. But sadly, she failed. "Sorry mom, but I am actually happy becauae of this." Please shhhhhh guys (≧▽≦).

We go home with a sad heart. I feel sad for Mom, but I can't help but sigh in relief too. Because I thought if Mom failed to renew her license, then she wouldn't try to drive anymore. Because it's really safer that way. Mom is still undecided whether to get the license or not, but as of now, she's reviewing and watching some YouTube videos. You know to gather more information. And here's another beautiful view on the way. I hope Mom enjoyed it too, just like I do, and despite failing on the examination.


Lead Image Edited in Canva.

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