Getting Out of My Comfort Zone for 6 Hours ft. The Roads and the Little Garden

The other day, Mommy Ding informed me that we would go to Sta. Theresa to attend a birthday celebration; it is her sister's place, by the way. It was her granddaughter's 7th birthday, and we were invited. It's been a year since my last visit to that place. I am excited because I want to see the beautiful plants of her sister rather than the events that were held that day, lol. Am I bad? Haha.

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And you know, the usual me will complain and will answer "no" if they ask me to come with them. But, because I also want to see different sceneries, just for a change, I indulged them and said yes calmly, like I was a different person. No violent reaction from me, and that's new, lol. For someone who hates facing a lot of people, I tend to be violent in my refusal to their invitation.

My thought at that time is that I have my shield, which is my facemask, so I can walk around in that place while capturing their beautiful plants. But then, when we get there, I don't have the chance to use my facemask because I am too shy to wear it, and the people in that house might call me something for wearing a facemask. They may find it rude too, or what.

Anyways, going back to the said events.


The events place is not that far from our home. It only takes 30 to 40 minutes of travel time using a tricycle. I was at the back of the driver, back riding while my two oldies was inside. We are also traveling at a normal speed here, to be safe.


And, I didn't get bored in the duration of traveling time because of this perfect sceneries. To be honest, I enjoyed it soo much because after a month of imprisoning myself on our house, I finally a saw a new and beautiful view from different place.


We are on a highway and this is what you can see here. A clean road, green Paddy fields and different trees. You can also see a lot of houses here where different people is residing. It is truly a great view. Something that you can rarely see in the big city.


And more! By the way, I captured this while the tricycle was running. Good thing, it came out well and was not blurry at all. Look at this wide road. We have a wider road now here in Mindoro, so when you travel, it is much easier. But you know what? I just can't understand why, even if the road is wider now, there are still vehicles that were caught up in an accident. It is just sad.

And this one is on different way. But when you see this, we are already close to our destination. It is in a little far on the main road but still can use a 4 wheels to get inside. And this is the beauty that you can see while traveling. With Green, clean and with a fresh air that anyone will surely love.


We finally arrive on our destination. They really have a beautiful and big house, so cool. With a second floor.

So pretty! This is what greeted us after getting in the gate. It is just located in the right place. I also love their customized plant stands. I want something like this if I ever have my own house, very homey.

And as for the birthday celebration, it was held on the other side of their house. It has a huge space, so they always held family gatherings in that spot. The events started with some Philippine ceremonies called "Putong." That time, people are still few, so I can freely roam around the place without overthinking that I have to face a lot of people. I already removed my facemask out of respect for the people in that gathering.


After the ceremony, we just had our lunch inside the house, haha. Yep, inside the house. I even ate while standing; I'd rather eat like that than eat in front of everybody. I am just too shy to do that. At least inside the house, I am eating with the family.

And people started to arrive. That's why I decided to hide myself, haha. And that spot is here. I am alone, with my headset on, and enjoying the beautiful scenery of the little garden. I know I said I would get out of my comfort zone and try to socialize, but this is the best that I can do for now. But I tried okay, I really did ಥ_ಥ.

I didn't just sit around of course, I also had a short walk and look at this beauty just so close to where I am. I enjoyed this more than the said event. That's why I am really not fond on attending such events.

And you know what? I didn't get bored looking around the little garden; what bored me to death was the event. I sound so bad here, but you will understand me if you are in there. Because the songs they played really did not fit the events. It is a birthday celebration, not a wedding reception ಥ‿ಥ.

And this is what's rescued me from too much boredom. I mean, this is really the main reason why I agreed to attend this event, hihi. I am still happy that I attended this. I get to see different places, even though this is already familiar to me.

And for the last picture, this tree is what we called "Aratilis" in the Philippines. It has the English name "cotton candy berry" or "calabur tree," according to Wikipedia. I just remember how much I loved to eat this with my classmates during Elementary Days—ahh, those memories. And, this tree here serves as a protection for these plants. like a little cover for them. I find it really beautiful and cool at the same time because of how it is positioned in that spot. like it grows there for that purpose alone.

I had a short walk, but in someone else's house and yard, lol. While they are gathered on the other side enjoying the foods and music, here I am enjoying my own little world, alone but happy.



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