An Early Morning Walk is the Best Time for Sightseeing: Accompanying and Picking Up My Oldie from Home to the Divine Savior Parish

Saturday night, Mom told me that she would go visit the church the next day. She's also encouraging me to come with her, but I declined. I thought she would also decide not to come because no one would accompany her, but she pushed through with the plan. Well, I just told her that I won't attend, I will walk with her just until the gate of the Divine Savior Parish. It's also raining at that time, so I really need to accompany her and escort her to the church.


The church is not that far away from our home, actually, just a few steps, and you'll get there if you walk faster. But at a normal speed, you'll get there in just one to two minutes walk. And because I am escorting my oldie, we have to walk slowly because we don't want the oldie to get to the church soaking wet and with lot's of dirt in her white pants. I just drop Mom off at the gate and watch her for a second getting inside and that's when I walk home.


Going home, I decided to also walk slowly to enjoy that walk. I couldn't take more pictures while escorting Mom, so I took that time to do that. It's the right time to do that, actually, because there aren't many people yet on that road, which is in my favor. I won't get shy about taking lots of photos outside because no one is watching me. Look, I get the chance to capture this set of flowers in someone else's land, lol. It's pretty, like an added decoration to the house.


It's already 6 a.m., but most of the store was still closed. Maybe because it is Sunday, so the shop owner takes their time resting at home. We do this too, every Sunday, but our bodies are not used to waking up late. Like me, my eyes will automatically open when the clock hits 5 a.m. I really wanted to sleep more but couldn't. In the end, we will all wake up at the same time but take our time opening the store.


I'm getting closer to our home. I noticed these Mangyan people here when I took Mom to church, they are still here. I don't know why they decided to go down again here in the land, usually, they only go down here when there's an occasion. Because they can ask or beg for money or food from lots of people. It's unusual that they are here again, or maybe they sell something to the market, that's why. I'm not sure, but they spent their night here again.

But you know what? The sad thing here is that some of these people also bring their children here, even if they are just babies. And worse, they let them walk everywhere without putting clothes on them. I can't help but pity some of them, especially if it is too cold. They also sleep everywhere, as long as the place can cover them from the rain or has a roof, just like this place here.


7 a.m., just one hour after taking Mom to church, I decided to go walk back again to pick her up. I thought they would finish at 7 a.m., and I also walked faster just to get there that instant. But, I'm still far from the church, and based on the song playing inside, I told myself, "Oh, it's not done yet." I arrived too early, haha, but no problem.


I want to patiently wait to my Mom but I decided to not just wait but also have a walk outside while waiting for her. Good thing I did because I saw someone, and I think he is also waiting for his hooman, I'm not sure, but based on his face, he is getting impatient already. He looks really mad, Lol. Why are you so mad, little Neko? Lol. Is it because no one is opening the gate for yah? This is bad. How will you eat if no one opens the gate no? Aigooo. Should I wait with you here? Lol. Sad, because he ignored me. So I just walk away and process to the next thing that caught my eyes.

I always see a huge house here, like it is super big. I'm not sure who owns the house, but it is a beautiful home, and I'm curious what it looks like inside. I want to capture the whole house, but I feel like someone will shoo me away if I ever try it, so I opted for just the gate. I captured just that, lol.

I continue my walk, still looking around. Then this thing caught my attention. Is this another variety of cactus? I'm not sure what this thing is, but they are growing on the sidewalk. Someone owns it, of course, it is hanging just beside the entrance of someone's house. I can't tell if this is a flower, but I like the color of it. Are you familiar with this?

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And before I forget, here's the full view of Divine Savior Parish, the main one, I think. This is the only Catholic church that I have ever attended in my life. But, from what I heard, there's more here in Bansud, though they are not that big compared to this. I never attended any Catholic church here in Bansud, but only this main one.


Here's a closer view, this church has undergone a lot of changes already. Even those people coming here also change, like before, as far as I remember, it is always full packed. But now, there's still a lot of space inside. It's sad, but I really think the number of people here in Bansud is slowly decreasing. Some just move to the big city, maybe because there is more opportunity there than in this small town.

When I saw that the mass would take a few more minutes to end, I decided to just get inside, just until here, to a hall. There is a beautiful view inside, so I never got bored. The outside was also fully maintained by the people here and some volunteers, and for sure, people are also happy to see the view here. I can't remember the last time I attended a mass. How about you guys? When was the last time for you?

This is what you can see once you enter the gate. The green land with its beautiful grass and different plants planted in it. And look at those stones painted in white, they are a good decoration and act like a design too for the plants. I usually see this kind of design in my old school, and it's really pleasing to the eyes. They all look pretty like that.

They also have different kinds of flowers here, which those who love flowers will surely enjoy. But this one caught my eye, as they are so white and pretty. I would love to have them in our garden, ฅ•ﻌ•ฅ.


So, anyways, after waiting for almost 30 minutes outside, Mom finally fot out the church. Look at her, so happy. I even teased her about why she was crying. I thought she wouldn't cry, but she really did in the end. Mom can be very cute sometimes, lol. Maybe she got overwhelmed with the happiness she felt at that time. I can also feel how proud she is that she was able to go visit the church, and for sure, she felt so strong at that time.


We're finally going home. Mother immediately holds my arms, and as I watch her almost sway because of her knees, I hold her tight too, as I'm afraid she will fall. I know being strong was just an act, but I love Mom's positivity, despite her being like that. She really wants to stay strong so she can live longer. That's why I often told her, "You will live more years on this earth, Mother, don't worry." I love to tease her too and will say, "Bad people, don't die that easily."

She will just laugh, but I can feel her wanting to live more, that's why I always say that to her. For her not to think too much about death. I always hate to talk about death you know. I know we will all end up like that, but I don't want to think about it. Thinking more about how I will live my life to the fullest is what's important.


Okay, enough with that, lol. So, we are out in the church. We are ready to go home. But Mom suggested that we buy some Tasty bread first for our breakfast. The bakery is just at the end of this road here.


After getting the tasty bread, off we go. To our home. The weather is still gloomy. Good thing the rain has stopped already.


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