The Things You Notice When You're Looking

'You notice things a lot more than we do', my daughter in law said, admiring the way I walked up the beach and collected this and that for my grandson - a shell, a rock, some dried kelp, and a cuttlefish bone. Ned's only one, and anything can be a source of curiousity, even the sand which he faceplants and creates a sandy Hitler moustache on his upper lip.

I guess we do. It makes a walk more interesting. I mean, there's an endless beach, or there's a beach full of delightful treasures, like this bottle with Lepas anatifera or goose barnacles with their fleshy edible stalk. There's something just super cool about this find, which I toss away from teh high water mark as it's going to be a hot day and I don't want them to die.


Even a drain can be delightful. I love how kids bothered to find this out of the way spot and graffiti it.


It becomes a really fun thing to photograph in the landscape. No wonder my walks take twice as long as they should.


It's really misty and foggy as I walk, which makes for a beautiful atmosphere. The moon is still out - it's only early still. There's not much more gorgeous things than a moon visible in the sky. It's like it shouldn't be, but it allows this glimpse of magic if you're looking. I wonder why we associate it so much with the evening when it does show off quite often in the mornings, refusing to go to bed.


There's a guy camped in a tent half way up the beach. I wonder if he's walking along the Great Ocean Road on some kind of mad journey. Either way I like people who stealth camp. Why should people with tons of money be the only one with ocean views? As long as you're not causing harm and you're leaving no trace, that's fine by me.

Huge sheets of kelp sweep up and down the beach. I should get around to making a basket or eating some of it. There's a whole food source here I haven't explored.

Though one way is still misty, by the time I start walking back the sun is coming up and I get hot enough to have a swim. Everything changes from washed out blues and greys to warm oranges and the day starts becoming noisier, shinier and louder. There's really something to be said for the time before dawn. It's still very moon like, still young and pale, still calm and soft.

Oh, and the most delightful thing was a little blue wren landing on my car as soon as I pulled up. It was looking for insects and must have learnt that the cars coming down the track have them on. It was such a quick, fluttery, delightful little thing, too fast to capture. But definitely worth noticing.

There's an awful lot of delightful things in a day, if you're looking!

With Love,


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