Sky Walk .:. The Dutch Adventure

I was in doubt about in what community to publish this post as it is a bit "specific" and doesn't fit in either one... lol... In the end, I have decided to go for my favorite #WednesdayWalk community... It is not just about aerial photos as I spent a lot of time "on the ground" before... 😂 Also, I know that you guys enjoyed the "report" from the #HiveFest last year, and these are photos from my last moments on Dutch soil and air... 😂


So, this was my last day in the Netherlands after having a great time at the Hive Fest and meeting some awesome people there... The event was in Amsterdam, but I had my flight back from Eindhoven... I have already described the last morning in Eindhoven post from December, but I didn't write about my "airport adventure"... So, here we are...



As you can see from the look at the sky, the day was unpredictable... It didn't rain, but it was about to do it any time... During the morning, the weather was great and I had a great time in the city, but while I was traveling by bus to the airport it was worse and worse... Luckily, in the end, it didn't rain at all!


In those days, the airport staff was scarce, and there were huge delays in flights, especially in Amsterdam, so because of that, I decided to go to the airport 5-6 hours before my flight... Again, I was lucky that there weren't delays at Eindhoven airport... People were coming early (like myself) and the airport was busier, but without delays...


So, having more free time than expected, I have decided to take a walk outside and take a walk around the airport... These tents were set up to absorb potential queues in a wait for drop off luggage (that was the weak spot... lack of workers)... When I came, in the queue were like 20-30 people... not a big deal... But, I couldn't drop off my luggage more than 2 hours before the flight... When it was turned on me, the queue was almost until these tents, which meant over 100-200 people in the queue...


A look at the perfect lawn in front of the building... If you have ever questioned why everything is so "beautifully" green in the Netherlands, the answer is at the top of the image... hiding inside those clouds... 😂 It's raining a lot... 😃


It was around 5-6 PM and after having a weak breakfast, I had to eat something... So, I ordered a pizza... The guy said to me to come back in 10-12 minutes and it will be ready... I did that, the guy opened the oven, and the pizza was burnt... lol... So, I had to wait for another 10 minutes... lol... The previous day I had a heavy headache and waited twice for the pizza, it was coming back... Long story short, pizza came, I ate it all, took a pill for my migraine, and tried to relax a bit... Btw, that's tea, not whisky... but, maybe alcohol would work better than medicine... 😄


Our plane has arrived and we were waiting for people that just came with it to leave it...


This photo has a great effect on it... I took this from the inside of the building, and those circles that you can see are from the ceiling lights! 😃



It's time to take the last walk on Dutch soil... 😃 As I don't like to wait in a queue, I waited until almost everyone passed the "ticket control"... There is no sense standing outside in line when you can sit inside the comfy sofas... 😃 I never understood people who were rushing to get first into the plane, train, bus, especially if you have reserved seat tickets... You will not arrive at your destination faster than the last person in the queue...



While I was in the queue, it was getting dark...



There they are... the last luggage is getting on the plane... Mine was with me, so no worries that it will be lost somewhere...


And we are in the air!! I was trying to take photos through the window, but it wasn't an easy task... Firstly, the windows weren't clean... lol... And secondly, it was getting dark and my mobile phone doesn't "like" the lack of lights...


I have no idea what city was under us, but I definitely enjoyed the view! I suppose that we were above some Belgium city, or it was maybe someplace in France...


I was traveling before during the night, but I can't remember that I had views like this... That afternoon began as very cloudy and in the end, we had a clear sky and I was able to take photos like this!!! In the end, I was lucky that day! 😃

Thank you for your valuable time,



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