International Oceans Day, 8 June.

So, how do we celebrate this special day?
Well we would spread some awareness by taking a short walk on the beach to a river mouth at the ocean.

Greetings to all on in the #wednesdaywalk community and also all on #hive
On this supposed to be special day of our appreciation of the life giving powers of the ocean, I thought to show you something that is more important.
We are killing the sea life and subsequently ourselves.

A lovely photo below, but the empty bottle spoils it.

Signs of destruction in the photos.



Marine litter threatens ecosystems, affects public health and negatively impacts fishery and tourism industries around the globe. It tricks wildlife: Animals can easily get trapped in plastic bags or discarded fishing gear, or they mistake plastic for their food and it enters the food chain.
Larger plastic particles get broken down into smaller particles through degradation, forming lots of micro plastics which become the carrier of a range of contaminants. Heavy metals and pathogens are contaminants that can be ingested by organisms and introduced to the food chain.




So, the plastics enter the human food chain and it simply means that we are eating plastic organisms in our food.
Now I know that we blame our water works and our governments for this and we lay the blame elsewhere, but this concerns each one of us.
So next time that you visit the beach, please take a bag with you and kindly pick up any litter that you may see.
If we don't care, then we cannot expect others to care.

I apologize if this sounds like a rant, but it is an issue that is close to my heart, and we simply cannot continue like this.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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