Mindful walk to work

Hello beautiful people.
It’s Wednesday, yes it is. Today I decided to walk to work, mindfully, and enjoy every step of the way.
It’s funny how we fail to notice the nitty-gritties around us. We often walk by with our minds miles away from the very place we stand. I took the decision to do something different today and I was glad.
From my home to my place of work is a couple of blocks. I could decide to either take a taxi or walk all the way. It mostly depends on how I’m feeling. Lol! The weather too plays a huge role, I forgot to mention. Today I went there walking and I was surprised at how much I didn’t know my path. I’ve walked this same path for a couple of months now and I have never really known it until today. I noticed a lot of details I would never have believed were there. The one I found most interesting were the various beautiful wild flowers I came upon. I couldn’t resist capturing the beauties at each point before moving on. I felt it worthwhile to share some of them with you.






Hope you find them lovely too and they light up the rest of your day.

Ps: Choose to be mindful of your surroundings today and savour all of its beauty. Thank me later, 😆.

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