On the Hill of Çaka bey... Fresh wind of my #TheLongestTrip


I am still on the Çeşme peninsula, an exclusive Turkish town on the Aegean Sea that is the extreme point of Turkey, and the Greek island of Chios is visible from here.



I stayed here for 20 days to spend time with my Turkish friends and soon I will go back to Kemer again. During this time, I explored many interesting places in Cesme that I had not seen before. Because this time I'm driving a rented car. And it gave me the opportunity to see more. Due to the fact that the weather in Cesme is windy, we spent a lot of time driving, exploring the surrounding areas.




We stopped on the road to look at private houses with orange roofs, which looked beautiful against the background of the blue sea. I would like to find this type of accommodation to stay here for the month of July, because people say that summer is cooler in Cesme than in Kemer. But housing here becomes 5-10 times more expensive in the summer.
There were poppies by the road, which also grow in my Ukraine. As I wrote earlier - in Turkey, I meet many flowers that remind me of my Motherland. My heart felt so warm from the memories of my mother...



One of these places is the hill, where there is an interesting monument to the national hero Çaka Bey. Our favorite thing to do in the evenings is driving around while listening to music and exploring the roads. Thus, one day, we saw the monument and came here. There are breathtaking views of the city. But I always like to learn about a person who was worthy of being remembered by future generations. So, I found the following information on Google.
Çaka Bey was a famous 11th-century Seljuk emir who ruled as an independent beylik in the city of Smyrna (also known as Izmir) from 1081 until his death. Çaka -bey's name is associated with military successes and military achievements that he gained in the vast territories of Asia Minor and Syria.
He was one of the few emirs, who managed to maintain independence from the Seljuk Empire, which was one of the largest states of the time. He created a strong army and strengthened his position in the territory he controlled.
One of Çaka Bey's most famous achievements was the establishment of an independent beylik in Smyrna, which became the center of trade and culture in Western Asia. He built many mosques, watchtowers and other important structures that contributed to the development of the city and ensured the safety of merchants and travelers.
Although Çaka Bey died more than 900 years ago, his name is still a symbol of strength, courage and military prowess. It has retained its legendary popularity among people who appreciate Turkish history and culture.



We stood on the hill for a long time, enjoying the views of the unique Cesme peninsula. It was a warm day. I was taking photos of the amazing wild roses while my daughters were exploring the giant aloes :)


Thanks for the great initiative #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay :)


Thanks to everyone who watches our adventures 🙂

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