Wednesday Walk - fall in NJ

When we went on an earlier than usual fall vacation in mid-October I expected to return to NJ and all autumn glory to be gone. Yet, it wasn't.

We returned on Halloween and the following week I had to take a business trip to Chicago. The following Monday my best friend from Germany visited for a week and to beat her jetlag we took an afternoon walk around the block and to our own little Central Park - not to be confused with THE Central Park - LOL.

This is when I finally realized - fall is in full colors in New Jersey in November!

Red or yellow which one do you prefer?

Both colors just popped out of the gray November skies and thus looked pretty awesome. The red tree is right next to our house, hence the weird angle, I didn't want any house/car distractions in the photo.



To answer the question - for me, it is usually the reddish colors. Probably because they are much easier to get a good environmental picture of. I think I got a bit lucky with the yellow maple leaves in the above pic.

And then there are instances where you get both yellow and red and any shade and tone in between - like these leaves glowing brightly in the almost setting sun.


Here's a close up of maple leaves shot against the setting sun to get a bit of translucency and a highlighted outline:


And when you get really, really lucky - then you stumble upon hidden treasures.

I am not entirely sure how it happened that hubby (@cutty-snark) left his four indie-published fantasy books in our backyard. All neatly set up one next to the other. Guess he had a photo shoot in the beautiful fall colors.

Don't you just love those covers and colors? If you have a love for fantasy reads with human and non-human main characters and a heavy dose of witty humor - you should give these books a go, One or the other may even be on Kindle Unlimited, I honestly lost track of when they are and when not.

They are all stand-alones but his main books Harpyness is Only Skin Deep and Finding Your Harpy Place build on each other. My personal favorite is Hazelhearth Hires Heroes. Let me know if you want to know more about them. Maybe I'll post about them or even get him to blog here on Hive...


Anyways, that's it for me for today - this was one of my autumn walks around my neighborhood, I may have a second one to share.

I hope these colors will brighten your day.



Unless otherwise noted, copyright for all photos, dividers and gifs ©Oceanbee|ImagesByCW


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