Wednesday Walk - Last week's short walk

Hello everyone! Today as part of #WednesdayWalk originally created by @tattoodjay I will share some photos I took last week on my way to and back from the post office.


Last week and this week we are having a nice and sunny weather for the most part with occasional cloudy/rainy periods that don't last long. On the day when I went to the post office, it was a lovely, sunny day and even though this is a short walking distance - it takes me about 10 minutes to get there, it's still good to get some movement as I spend a lot of time sitting.

I already shared photos of my dog friend I always see around (the smaller one) and he was always so happy to see me, he would come for cuddles but since he got company of another dog, I noticed a difference in his behavior, here they were still cool but I passed by them few days after these photos were taken and my friend dog started barking at me. There was no one around at that moment so he was definitely barking at me which made me quite sad, I felt betrayed, lol. Now I just pass by and I'm not sure if I'll dare to pet them again, I love dogs so much but I also don't want to risk getting a bite or something.

I took these photos of random trees as they looked so pretty against the clear blue sky. I wasn't really planning to use them for a post but I remembered I could share them as part of #WednesdayWalk so here we are... :)

Thank you for checking out this short post, I hope you had a great day and don't forget to share your #WednesdayWalk!


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