An Early Walk that Captures and Appreciates Nature's Abundance

The end of school year has finally come but that doesn't mean work is over and vacation is here. We still have to report to school and render several hours whenever needed.

Just when I was about to leave home for home, a message appeared in our group chat that we are requested to be in school for an urgent meeting. I hurriedly went down and waited for a motorcycle to ride because I don't want to arrive late.

Almost 10 minutes had passed and I was still standing by the road, so I decided to just walk until a motorcycle passes by. While walking, I was enjoying the view.



My eyes were in awe looking at these trees and the wide field. These lush green surroundings offered me a relaxing feels, not minding the heat of the sun.





A few minutes after I started walking, I reached the chapel in the area. But this is not just an ordinary chapel because it looks like a church, its facade, design, and structure make it stand out.



In fact, this chapel has witnessed several vows of couples during their wedding ceremony. But, I wasn't able to take a photo of it, only its entrance gate. Maybe I could share this in another blog. If only I had the luxury of time, it would be my pleasure to visit the chapel, take photos and share them with you.

I was sweating already but still, I continued walking...



until I reached here - this wide open area where animals are made to stay and eat, having this river as their thirst quencher.






I always pass by this river everyday. Because of this flowing water and the wide grassland, locals made this as their animal's pasture. They confidently feed their animals with grasses in the surrounding area and have this clean and calming river as their animals' water to drink. (It was still early so animals weren't visible yet.)




The water is calmly flowing unless there is a heavy downpour. Today, it looks clean and clear. I can barely hear its sound as it keeps flowing. It is silently existing. It is peacefully flowing. The bottom is well carpeted with stones, while bigger rocks are visible too. It possesses beauty. It is undisturbed. It shows calmness. It simply showcases how abundant nature is.




I almost forgot the time while taking some photos. I have come to realize that I pass this area uncountable times but it's just when I stop and spend a minute with it that I appreciate its beauty and the life it offers to animals. In our day-to-day living, sometimes we get used to seeing something or someone everyday that we failed to value its existence and presence not until we sit with it, find time to know it better.




Just in time when I finished taking photos and acknowledging that realization, a colleague riding a motorcycle passed by. So, I got a free ride to school.


That's all for today's early walk. Thank you for your time reading this far. Be well. Be safe. Until the netswriting.

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