My backpack and me, two walkers!

My backpack and I were happy. We were returning home after two or three hours at noon dedicated to fulfilling a work commitment, but this didn't stop us from walking around a bit and thus joining in the adventures of the Wednesday walkers.


Strange, isn't it? No one starts a #wednesdaywalk at the end. But this is where it ends, right at 100th Avenue, which I then cross to reach my home {sweet home} a few blocks later.


And that bus that you see leaving empty, was also the reason for my happiness, because only a few souls boarded it from the Ciudad Deportiva (Sport City) bus stop, of course, I was among those souls, and with this information I am already telling you where my backpack and I were walking.

It turned out that since yesterday I had to go to University of Physical Culture and Sport Sciences Manuel Fajardo to take some pictures for the magazine I work for. However, I decided at my own risk not to go because I had to edit and organize several images from a previous job and I didn't want to lose the rhythm. So today... honestly without much enthusiasm, I decided to leave this nest where I feel safe and comfortable. I am truly happy here, away from transportation problems and other stressful situations.

I must say that once I go out, in my mind I put the most beautiful thoughts. Everything will be fine, I will arrive quickly, the trip will be profitable, this is going to be very enjoyable, I am happy... and so, I fill myself with all this good energy, I let myself flow, I don't let it affect me for example that the driver of the P10 bus closed the door in my face. Nah, those are minor problems... and you won't believe it, out of nowhere a man in a Polish car showed up and took me directly to Manuel Fajardo University. Talking to him, he told me that he was going there to pick up his wife, who is teaching secretary of this college.

😁 (Good vibes only attract good vibes)

At the time I went there the sky was white, I had to do a magic trick 😇

Well, I just wanted to show you a view of the School and its discobolus. But the ride started when I got out of there.

The grounds of the Ciudad Deportiva are accessed through a gate located at the rear of the facility.



Walking to the end of this sidewalk it is possible to reach the Via Blanca and then if we turn left we can pass right in front of our Great Sports Coliseum.

But what an entertaining walk! I found many athletes training and among them two taekwondo talents, high performance athletes, who are preparing to participate in the Central American School Games.


After chatting for a while with the Taekwondo Commissioner who was there, watching the training, I decided to continue my walk and was pleased to see many young people immersed in their sporting activities.


Luckily, the sun was not punishing as it usually is at noon. Large clouds were holding it back and the weather was pleasant, for exercising the body. We all took advantage of this great opportunity (yes, me too, because I was walking quite a bit).


In the following image you can see where my backpack and I were coming from. That building in the background is the University of Physical Culture and Sport Sciences.


Those guys over there were playing basketball. I took the opportunity to take this view from where you can see a little bit of the Coliseum dome of the Sports City, in the distance.


Everything was nice and quiet inside those facilities. There was even a bit of wind, which I later noticed hindered the recording I made to the Taekwondo Commissioner. I should invest in a bullet microphone, because now that work is useless, due to the gusts of wind.

As I walked out onto the Via Blanca, the hustle and bustle began. People back and forth, the bus stop, the bus parked... and I had to be careful with my cell phone.



Oh, but I had to take pictures in these views, because I was in another municipality of Havana, and that doesn't happen every day... lol.


This is a part of the traffic circle, where cars merge onto Boyeros Avenue or just turn around to take direction to 26th Avenue.

In the center of the rotonde there is a path for pedestrians. So I took advantage of this and looked for a better location so you can admire the Sports City, which hosts national and international events.


And it is another of the places where I usually work, as I am the head sports photographer for my magazine.

I have to clarify, and forgive me for going a bit off topic (the walk), that I would have posting this wonder earlier, but I'm in the middle of a power outage. I'm not going to stress {lol}. In fact it's 20:10 right now.


Look how nice this picture is, it doesn't look like I'm in a bustling traffic circle. They were cutting the grass, but they had just started and there were still many of those spikes that move gracefully with the wind.

I was on my way home. In search of the bus stop where, I told you at the beginning), I didn't spend even the slightest work to board my saving transport, a Diana. That's how these buses are called. You can go to the image that I shared at the beginning of this post and verify its brand.


Another view of the Sports City and I have a little more walking to do from here.

I was tempted to have a beer there at the corner establishment called El Rodeo, but you know what put me off: the music they had on.

Guess what was playing there? I'm going to give a small reward to the first one who guesses.


I already had it in the peephole (the bus stop). Hahaha.... (here they restored the electricity, thanks Universe) It's 20:34.

And this is the end of the walk. 🤷‍♀ Well, no, I started the walk at the end. But... ah, what a mess. 😑



See ya, walkers!


Original content (text and photos), by @nanixxx.

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