A Short Walk in the Morning Dew

Hello, wonderful people of the Wonderful Hive World. So thankful for another year to share and read stories in Hive. Just want to share my short walk around the house in my blog today. I hope you enjoy it.


Very amazed this morning as I woke up with this very nice view of the surroundings. Gladly I decided to wake up early to have a 30-minute walk because I am gaining more weight this month 😂 and I am starting to feel pain in my left foot again. Surely my uric acid getting high because of my weight and maybe because of the cold weather we had which I heard will be until February.


Back to what I have seen this early morning when I took a peek at our window, I was mesmerized by the very cool view I had seen. It seemed I went to another place.


This is the view from our side window.


The view in front of our house. The mountains next to the street were covered with cold fog.

The dew was still on the ground occupying each leaf of grasses, plants, and trees. The afar surroundings were covered with fog. It was very unusual to see this kind of view here in our place.


I went outside to see the surroundings. At the back of our house, the fog was thicker and I could not see the mountains. I felt the very cold weather at that time but I want to take a closer look at the ground of dew.


And this was how beautiful it was. The details were so amazing. A magical work of art by nature. I know it will not last long, for when the sun rises to a hotter distance all of these shining drops of water lying on the ground will be gone shortly. So, I took the time that was left for this "Wonderful" moment of walking alone. I still have a couple of minutes to savor before preparing breakfast for my beloved.


My feet bathed with fresh dew drops that covered the grass on the ground. Connecting with nature gave me a wonderful feeling of being.


As I was at the back of our house, the fog there was thicker than the other views.


I walked towards the other side and saw this old man unwinding himself on the branch of a guava tree, waiting for his cow to finish eating. The old man was feeding his cow with the thick cogon grass. I was amused looking at him.


A wider view of the next mountain.


The coconut trees are covered with fog.

As the sun was getting hotter, the fog slowly disappeared and I went back inside to prepare our breakfast.

That was my short walk this early Wednesday morning. Thank you for being with me. With love, mommyjane 😘.

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