Walk in the depth of the ocean... or was it just a playground?


It looked like any other ordinary park from the entrance gate. The trees have been pruned last year so now they look like dwarves. Ficus dwarves. It was not always like this, as before the diminution in their height happened this place looked like a mini jungle.

But elections are approaching, the town needs to show that even little modest parks and children's playgrounds can be improved and maintained. Upgraded actually.


The pavement is also new, dressed in grey, red and orange fields. Additionally, we see some green spaces for grass and palm trees. Benches to rest when we are tired from a walk. Bins. Shade from the trees. Though I didn't have to rest a lot as I walked here one morning before my lessons started as I arrived a bit early. In total some 15 minutes, but I can count it for the #WednesdayWalk ;)

Leaving behind the two sections already demonstrated in the previous photos we enter a new little world. It is a playground, with a colourful part on the left side. Even the fence around the tree is colourful. If you are a parent and you decide to spend a few hours with your child here instead of playing a cook at home in the kitchen, you don't have to worry. The bar behind the park made sure you can't miss the opportunity to order your lunch or dinner there. (if the bar knew that I advertised it, they would pay me now for it...or not 😂)


But let's turn to the right... at first, you see just a bigger construction with a few auxiliary facilities around the main one. A house, a vehicle, maybe a ship? But you hear a sound coming from there... and you know that you found The Submarine. A Spanish one, no worries. It does not get tangled with the fibre optic cable. This one is here just for fun.


Getting closer to it we see more details. If we still had doubts about the type of vehicle, now we can also read that it is a submarine. It had several entrances so I was going around to choose which one would be the best to walk into it as I lost my ticket for it. I had to avoid ticket control and get on board somehow.



The main problem was that it was allowed for those between 3 and 14 years old children. However, doing some maths, I perfectly fit into this category. I was in. Isaac Peral greeted me and talked a bit about his design and the struggles he went through while developing this electric-powered submarine. Though we stopped talking after some minutes as I had to explore the games that this version offered and later go to work.


I am not sure did I understand this game. It says that it is a naval battle for two players, there are some buttons, boards and instructions - those I didn't read 😆


This is the hall from where you navigate the submarine. Looks complicated, with so many steering wheels, levers and buttons. And the fact we were not underwater made me not experiment with it, as I didn't want to risk hitting that residential building that was in front of this submarine.


There were more games in the control room, but also a place you could take a photo of yourself.


Too small for me, or it's me who grew too much?


Anyway, I finished my visit and went again to the exterior to breathe air and see the sun. I had to walk back to my work and just took a look at those facilities around the submarine (oh, again that "menu del día"... it's like a subliminal message from that bar for me hahaha, buy your lunch if you don't have time to cook lol.)



I did not sail the streets of this town with a submarine, and I did not launch a single torpedo. This submarine won't kill anyone, that's good. But since this walk takes place in a children's playground, and children love to play, we can also bring to this post a guessing game.

It is about a real person who died due to a torpedo launched from a submarine. I would like to know if you can guess the person I am referring to. Of course, there were many ships attacked by a submarine and many people died so a hint should come. Just jump with your grasshopper legs for 139 days back to the past and the answer can be found. Have fun if you decide to take part in this guessing game :D 🎶



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