Between chasing sunlight and running errands

What a disappointment... I looked for it in the fridge but I already knew it would be in vain. It was my fault as I didn't buy it... yesterday was a crazy day, so I will go easy on myself. No mad thoughts for lacking the milk in my morning coffee. No pasa nada, the Spaniards would say. It's just that I don't like taking a cup of strong coffee without milk in the morning. I need to make it lighter, sweeter.

I thought that it could be a good plan to stop in the corner shop, the only one that was open at 8 am to buy 1 bottle of milk when I dropped my son at school (for a few weeks, I do it in the mornings as someone stole his electric scooter). I had with me just the keys, cards and no cash...

We don't accept a bank card payment if your purchase is less than $2.

Really? Oh, well, goodbye then...

Going home and waiting for one hour was inevitable as nothing else opens before 9 am. But again, no hard feelings as I could take a nice walk, observe the greenery and run all the errands, all at once. A few days ago I spotted that the Jacaranda trees are blooming. There are several of them in our little town. Love them.


Also, the mulberry trees are bringing their fruits. Needless to say that I like to pick them and eat... the only problem is that your fingers are blue later 😂


Having the idea of passing by these trees and maybe seeing some other interesting ones made me ready for this walk without complaint. I would have better things to do, but who cares, going out and meeting the sun was already more than needed. I am becoming a piece of walking white cheese, I need to get some tan.

I looked toward the sky to meet that sun but the treetops blocked the view. Some of them were dense and green:


Other trees would allow the sun's rays to reach me.


This was a positive sign but then I stopped looking up to the sky. Something else caught my attention. I think these are eucalyptus seed capsules. If I am wrong feel free to correct me ;)


Before I reached the grocery store I had to stop at the bank. I know everything can be paid through an online transfer but the fee for the bus card that my son needs (so I can stop being a mom-taxi) had to be paid in person. There were two banks stated on the paper, I went to the closest one. Waited behind the line, of course. (oh, I didn't have an appointment, but do I need one if I just want to pay $4 for making a bus card?)


Sorry, we don't accept payments today. You can do it just on Tuesday and Thursday, from 8 am until 11 am.

My answer wasn't different from the one I gave to the lady in the corner shop.

Really? Oh, well, goodbye then...

My walk was extended. I went to the other bank marked on the paper as an option to sort out the payment. More people in the line... it was time to stand and not walk. I was thinking would it count if I walk in place?


Luckily, the line was moving quickly, I paid the fee in the bank and could continue with the milk-hunting and sun-searching activities. The combo of the palm and plane tree showed me the sky and the sunlight reached me. And you can say it was the happy end of my walk, right? The best thing! But...


... the best thing is that I served myself a cup of coffee with milk.

It can't be refused 😌



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