Some time with the girls

It was fun with the girls today as we had decided to visit school for some checkups and to get our clearance done so we could get our results and get on with our lives individually.


It's really been a long while since I set my eyes on these people so having had the chance and opportunity to meet each other today really makes me happy as I got to recall those times while our program was going on.


We're in different departments but we started school the same year and we kinda have few things in common so most times we chill together, attend general course lectures together, play games, take pictures, dance, laugh, gist and go for occasions etc.


Unfortunately, we didn't complete everything we went there to do successfully cos some people who were supposed to attend to us had lectures and meetings.


We decided to talk about ourselves and everything that has happened since we part ways though it ended in us taking pictures I mean we were going to do that afterall.


So far good, I'm really impressed, happy, excited and glad to see them, talk and get to know that things are going well, I mean God has has been faithful.

We also took a walk around the school premises and nothing much had really changed. We greeted our colleagues around and few lecturers as well.

That's what happened today at my end and I had a nice day. How about you? Did you have a good day?

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