Wednesday Walk 06.12.24, My Morning!

Hello Friends, and Welcome Back!
Hoping you had a Blessed and Safe
Wednesday (Mid-Week), wishing You a Happy Thursday as well, and Thank You for your visit!

Also A Big "Thank You" to @tattoodjay for runnung this - "Thank You to you"!

So my friends for this week's #wednesdaywalk I have some photos I got on my morning errands. Q few from a walk around the property here and other places - before it got too warm!
So I nwas out walking around at around 06:30, and I saw the Sun starting to come up,

and then caught this Sun Ray photo, nice it is next to the "Welcome" bench!

And a look directly South West,

And to the West,

Another view to the West from the "gas station",

I made it to the Shopping center and got real lucky. The sun was still coming up!
I love both of these!
From the Parking lot,

And a little more exposure,

(they may be in the wrong order....)

I have never gotten a Criss Cross like these before, so I am very happy! I did want to take some more photos, but it zoomed up to 100Β°F/37.778Β°C at around 11:00 so I let myself stay indoors!
I do want to Thank You for Your Visit!
Stay Blessed, Safe, and Happy Thursday!

All Images copyright,
Β©2024 LesMannArt
No Commercial Reproduction,
Without Written Permission...

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