My Wednesday walk report

Hi everyone,
How is the weather treating you, nice i guess.

today is happens to be a sunny day but not too hot, it's a nice weather to just go out and take a stroll,

me for one loves taking walks, especially when the weather is below 29°Celsius, that way I don't get dehydrated quickly

today the highway is not crowded because students are still in school


the roads are dusty but bearable
Abeokuta is a dusty capital because most places here are still remote areas and most roads are still in repair, the name Abeokuta means 'under the stone, there are scattered rocks in most places and the olumo rock is one of the tourist area here which i haven't visited, but hopefully one day

right in front is a horticulture garden along the road.

this is a junction that connects many places together, just four roads but many directions

coming back was also fun but the sun is now shining at its full strength, but I think I can manage

my street is also very quiet ,you hardly see a person

I had a good day and all thanks to God for the nice weather

thanks for viewing my post.

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