A Few Walks and a Life Update.


It's been a busy few weeks. My sister came to visit us from Canada and stayed for about 10 days. Each day I toured her around our area and beyond and that involved a lot of early mornings and a lot of driving. It was all worth it of course, to be able to see her after three long years.


She's gone to stay with friends in the Netherlands now so I have a week to recuperate before it starts all over again.


My wife's parents are coming to stay with us for 14 days starting this coming Saturday - another busy time but another worth while reunion.


On day one of my sisters arrival we took her for a walk around our home - she arrived late in the day after her flight was delayed 6 hours.


As you can see the wheat field by our house, the one that I always show you, had turned from a lush green to a dry straw color.


It was still kind of nice looking against the blue sky.


It has since been cut and harvested and now the once lush and pretty field is just a landscape of dry dirt.


On our walk we saw a very small snake on the road.


I'm not sure what kind it was but I'm guessing that its some form of garter. I once read that there is a worm variety that looks like a snake but I can't find anything about that online at the moment. Let me know in the comments if you can identify this fella.


Every once in a while I see these Rose Ringed Parakeets flying around town. They look super tropical and out of place so I originally thought that they were somebody's escaped pet. In a way they sort of are I suppose.


Apparently back in the 70's these birds were imported to France from Africa when it was fashionable to own exotic birds. Some of them escaped and thrived in their new environment and now there is a flock of over 8000 throughout France.


In my last #WednesdayWalk post I mentioned these tall flowery weeds in my backyard that grow 10 times faster than the grass.


I didn't have a picture at the time but was sure to take one this time round.


They are super annoying because the grass is short and doesn't need to be cut but the weeds are a foot and a half tall and can't be ignored.


My wife got a new hat from work that she is super proud of. She loves getting free stuff from the office. She always talks about it for days and this hat was no exception. She's kind of like Michael from the Office when it comes to s.w.a.g.


On another day I took my sister on a walk in a park near our house.


I showed her this stone bridge that I thought was sort of cool and she absolutely loved it.


I wasn't expecting her to think much of it but she ended up spending like 10 minutes on the thing taking photos. I thought it was pretty hilarious.


I think she was taking photos of her feet...😂


We watched some bees for a while that day as well.



We saw a donkey one day while walking also. That was a little out of the ordinary. I don't have a lot to say about it other than... we like donkeys.


This has nothing to do with walking but I think its mildly funny. Here's a photo of our dogs face when we gave him a bone one evening.


We have to watch him when we give him bones and we have to take them away when he finishes the meat on them because he'll try and chew them to nothing. He'll swallow any pieces that he takes off which we learned the hard way a few years ago when a piece got stuck in his intestines. He didn't end up needing surgery but he was uncomfortable for a day and a half and it took two days for it to pass through his system.


We never give him raw hide anymore and never bones, except this time when we watched him until the meat was cleaned off.

Well thats it for now. Until next time, thanks for stopping by.

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