Wednesday walks always steal a smile from me

Hi Hivianos, I really appreciate this nice visit you make to my post; I am a person who plans the things to do during the day the "night" before; I had planned to do a post talking about the planting of the ¨zapallo¨ ¨gray¨

Source: Albun Familiar

This morning I woke up different, remembering when was the last time I left home and took a walk along our beautiful waterfront; The ¨Ciudad¨ de ¨Corrientes¨ was built on the same site where the ¨Indians¨ ¨guaraní¨ settled down. They were the first to discover our ¨Province¨ of ¨Corrientes¨ and at that time they called it the ¨tierra¨ sin ¨ bad¨

Source: Albun Familiar

Thanks to these ¨visionaries¨ our city has a privileged location; We live by the river ¨ParanᨠOur waterfront is a beautiful walk that has a length of more than 10 kilometers, which allows you to do a beautiful walk, and capture beautiful images for the ¨Wednesdaywalk¨ organized by our dear friend @tattoodjay

Source: Albun Familiar

Walking through this place is simply magical, the fresh breezes that escape from the waters of the river have a "revitalizing" effect; A beautiful "smile" is drawn on your face, when you see the beautiful nautical corridor that allows you to enjoy beautiful boats; The images are just great, ideal for our friend @elizacheng challenge

Source: Albun Familiar

The images do not need presentation, therefore I leave you in silence so that you can enjoy them.

Source: Albun Familiar

Source: Albun Familiar

Source: Albun Familiar

Source: Albun Familiar

Source: Albun Familiar

Source: Albun Familiar


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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