My son's first time at KCC Mall

We are living in a Barangay and we just go to the town weekly to go to the market and to the grocery store once a month. Going to the city is not common to us because the fare is costly for us.

My son is almost 6 years old but i can still count on my fingers how many times we go to the city. First when he is just around 5 months old when we go to the hospital for his G6pdd confirmatory test, second is when my aunt died and the last or recently this June.

Going to the mall is not our first priority that day. We have an import transaction in the city and fortunately we done it early and we have enough time left so we decided to go to the mall before going home.

I am with my son as well as with my sister in law and her daughter.

We arrived at KCC Mall past 9 in the morning and the people are not so many yet.

Entering the mall, the kids looks so happy and run in the wide area of the mall. They were amazed seeing a lot of manequin, lol.

Their eyes are open wide seeing what is around and this is their first time going to this mall.

As we are walking, my son keep on asking where is the play ground. He always here about KCC from his friends in our neighborhood. When they visit KCC, they would always tell my son how enjoyed they were. So my son is always looking forward to see and experience what they are talking about.

We went straight to the WORLD OF FUN, but unfortunately it was still close. The staff seems cleaning or preparing the things inside.

They look at the glass wall while pleading that they want to enter. We told them to just look around first and choose where they want to play if they will be inside.

We requested a picture of them to divert their attention for a while and then we went to some location first and look for something and promised that we will return there after.

They are so excited and they always remind us about it. Until we go back and at last! It was now open.


This visit is my son and as well as my first time. I was able to passed by here before but never tried to play.

I literally don't know what to do and where to start. My sister in law told me to buy a token in a specific area. One token cost 5.00 or $0.1, so I bought 10 token for 50.00 or $1.


Holding 10 tokens, I then let my son choose where he want to play and he chose basketball first.

I don't know how to make it start so I asked the guard how to operate it and we just need to put exact token needed. We put two tokens on it.

We just got three reward for this game.

Next he went to ride this horse. This needs three token and three kids could enjoy.

We invite my son's cousin to ride with him as well as another child that wants to ride too.

Another one token was used in this smashing game. My son also enjoyed smashing those object in front of him.

Four token was spent in this game where the ball will fall and they need to pick it up and shot it to the hole.

This just need three token but unfortunately one token wasn't recognized by the machine so I need to put another one.

The last one token, my son also chose the game and he volunteered to put the token in the machine. He felt so satisfied doing it.

My son, his cousin, me and my sister in law all enjoyed this last game.

Some machine gave reward for your wins in the game and you can have something in exchange of it in the prizes section.

We found these left unattended in a machine and no one claims it so we decided to have it. We save it all and combine altogether and before we go out we exchange it.

This is just we got in all the rewards that we have - candies, lol. But still it made the kids happy.

When all the tokens are spent, we still stay there for a while watching others playing.

We went to this area, they call it bump car. I wanted to experience this ever since but until now haven't tried it. Hopefully someday I can try this with my son maybe when he grow up.

We all had fun inside the world of fun. My $1 made my son happy and he thanked me for bringing him there and he wished that someday we could go back there with his father.


After enjoying at the world of fun, we then stroll around the mall. We don't have money to buy many things but we have enough energy to have a walk and just enjoy what we can see.

Everytime they see a manequin they will run into it and pose, so, we then get our phone out and take some picture of them. They look like a little model here, lol.

They stand beside this little boy manequin and if this could talk for sure they will be friends in a little while.

They saw this shark man and they didn't missed the chance to pose with it.

Oh this little girl follow what the manequin did. She also hide her hands in the pocket, lol.

This one, they looks so cool. It seems that they belong to these manequin having their own great pose.

While walking, my son saw big toy cars. He ran towards me and said that the cars only cost 30. I asked him are you sure? Yes he said and bring me here only to find out that the tag says 30% off, lol. I explained to him that this is too expensive and we can't afford it and I told him to pose for a remembrance. Glad he understands.


My son is not afraid to the escalator anymore. In fact he doesn't want me to hold his hands while in the escalator. I am worried but he insists and assures me that he can handle himself already.

Before going home, we let the kids experience riding the elevator for the first time. We just rode from from floor to another and my son said he felt afraid as the elevator moves going down.


Veranza mall is located just next to the KCC Mall, so we didn't missed the chance to have some picture on it.

We enjoyed watching this man made falls where the water falls along the walls.

It was a great day, a fun day for all of us giving us another experience to smile and cherish especially the kids.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed walking with us. Keep safe everyone.

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