Sunset Stroll

Hi, my new Hivian Walker Friends! First-Timer here!

My favorite time to walk is about sunset, just over the mini mountain from where my home sets in Tennessee.
I love this elementary school where I often go, as it has a wide open space with a walking track about it.

Three times around is a mile, so that is my minimum.

The air is fresh and away from traffic. I've been coming here for years, but never tire of it's beauty.
Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, each season is full of God's artistry with which He simplifies my soul with His beauty, leaving me again refreshed as I depart!

As I said, I love coming here at sunset!

The Sky is BIG, the clouds often roll about the setting sun, leaving piercing rays breaking out through standing trees,

often ending with a marvelous display of FIRE!

Shalom to you and your home!

#wednesdaywalk #sunsetstroll #freshair

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