A journey towards a better working experience.....Wednesday Walk

My friend is looking for a new job. It has been one hectic day after another trying to make her current boss allow her to resign. It's difficult for everyone. Right now, I pity her boss. Almost all of his staff have taken their leave. Most of them left without informing him. So, I can understand why he is trying to keep my friend much longer.

I tried convincing my friend to stay for another month until her boss gets a replacement, she isn't having that. I guess she is as stubborn as I am. She wants to leave. All we have to do is support her. I have faith that better things are waiting for her. I think the universe is trying to expose her to a newer environment. A different working conditions. And of course better work experience.

In the course of trying to get her application letters ready, we had to take work through the city. And this gave me the perfect time to do #wednesdaywalk. I am pleased to be in this community for the first time. I may not have lots of pictures but I hope I will engage you with my story.
I couldn't take lots of shots, the sun wasn't friendly at all. The first stop we made was to fast food, called, Chicken Republic. The company recently opened, they haven't started operating. They are making final setups, as you can see in the photo.

Initially, when we got there, we did not know who to talk to about a vacant position for application. Somehow, one of the people we saw, and greeted, asked us to come closer, so we could talk. In the process, we let the cat out of the bag. We met disappointment. The human in charge told us we were late. He explained the company had already employed the number of staff they needed, and they were currently undergoing training.

I saw a look of despair in my friend's eyes, I felt bad for her. There was nothing anyone could do. I encouraged her to drop her contact details. I only said this because I felt eventualities happen sometimes. You know someone might decide not to go further with the job, and that gap can be filled by my friend. I had faith.

When we left the surrounding, I found spots to photograph. I am new here, so I may not able to explain what happens in any of the pictures on this post. Again, this was a Sunday, and most of the outlets were closed. The fact that they were closed, means I won't be able to figure out what happens behind those closed doors. However, I'll give you an honest guess
For example, when I saw the photo above, I thought it was an art place. The decoration was too nice for me to ignore. I felt it was an art place. I could be wrong. If someone decided to decorate his outlet with an artwork, shouldn't that mean, art-related activities are going on behind those doors? Prove me wrong with your reasons.....I am willing to listen.
A car wash! Why on earth would I take picture of a car wash.? There is a story behind it. It's a long one. I am yet to have the complete story, this is the reason I haven't shared it yet. As a glimpse for you, one of the firsthand people I met in Abuja had something to do with car washing. As I said, it is an incomplete story, once it's ready, I'll share. Just understand that my stay in this place has been amazing all because I met these people first.
A U & I Kitchen! Without much Ado, this picture tells me this is fast food. However, I do need someone to tell me, what U & I mean. Since they were closed(half-closed), I had no one to tell me. I am sorry. It means both of us are ignorant of the meaning too. Forgive me.
Glade Pharmacy! I am lucky this one is open. Not only was it opened, but I had also bought an antifungal cream for my friend in here. I had to get in first to purchase the cream, secondly, to get away from the Sun. I wanted to snap the inside, I didn't dare to because I was afraid, the pharmacist will be mad at me.
5 Star Bakery! The name says it all. It's a bakery. What do they bake? Bread? Cakes? Pies? No idea. I stylishly took this particular shot because they were people around. I didn't want anyone asking me questions or feeling threatened by the presence of my camera.
The last shot I took was the entrance of my friend's current work zone. It was my beautiful shot, and I liked it.

This means we have to end this post where we first started. My friend is looking for a new job. She has all-around experience with hotel management, and I would recommend her to anyone. We are submitting her application tomorrow after she is fully relieved by her current boss.

I hope that she gets taken. She is passionate about this kind of job, I don't know why, maybe, it's her inclination. Wish her well for me 🥺

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