Morning Stroll at the New Place

We came here to the new place (another town) yesterday. Waking up this morning, we observed that the sun shows up early here. In our lil kingdom, the sunshine starts to warm the yard around 8:30 or 9 am.

Anyway, my wee guy and I went for a short walk. I planned to do it in the afternoon but the hubby suggested morning is better because it's not too hot and the rain may come around midday. Anyongi was excited, rushing through the pile of gravel outside (the driveway needs cementing).

The neighbor down the road was walking by as we approached the main road. He smiled and said good morning but my unfriendly pup growled at him so he was taken aback, lol!

I apologized sheepishly and let him go ahead of us. The little guy stopped howling and just looked on as he left.

We continued our stroll and met an old man by the curve who teased me he wanted my pup. Well, the little guy seemed to have understood what he said he gave him a taste of his loud barking, lol!

"You're a new face here, are you the owners of that?" the sweet man asked pointing at the property. "No, uncle. We are just visiting," I teased meekly. He laughed saying we'll be seeing each other around.

"Aah, people here are friendly," I thought as we turned left and followed the narrow road, going through a few puddles, painted rocks, plants, and overgrown grass along the roadsides (my pup loved them he buried his head in them).

Aside from those and other ornamentals (some seem to have been recently planted), there were sweet potatoes and cacti too. Quite rare to see but nice.

People on this side of town might be late risers we have not encountered anyone or any vehicle after the two. It was good though because I'm too shy to start a conversation if we were to meet anybody again, lol!

I tell you though, the weather was gorgeous with just a few patches of white clouds in the blue sky. I loved it!

We noticed the moon too. Unfortunately, my phone camera can't get a decent shot at it, but it's there. Hint: It's like being eaten by a dragon or something.😂

My dog stopped a few times during the walk. Yep, he gets tired too, mostly he rests to catch his breath. His face was dirty and his feet so muddy. There were even blackjacks entangled in his hair. You can probably imagine how hard it was for me to clean and bathe him.🤣


We didn't go far after the bridge as I was afraid there might be dogs in the nearby neighborhood. My Anyongi gets so restless when he sees one. We slowly strolled back to the house taking some more landscape shots along the way. There are a lot of tunnel-type greenhouses in the distance, some barely visible in the left photo below.

The temperature is warmer in this side of town and they seem to prefer growing bell peppers and lettuce in those greenhouses. I wish to visit one of those tunnels someday. I'm curious to see how things are done on this side of the region.

Anyhow, that's how our first stroll went so far. It was fun exploring the immediate vicinity. It's quite nice and we might get used to this place sooner than I expected. We may take the opposite route the next time we go for another walk since we will be here for the whole week to get a feel of the environment.

This is my participation in the #WednesdayWalk initiative by Tattoodjay. Thank you and until next time!

Unless specified, all photos on my publications are my own. 26062024/20:40ph

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