A Walk Around The Block

Good day beautiful people, beautiful souls!

I went out of my work place earlier than expected, and so here am I, with some extra time at hand and I don’t have an iota of idea what to do. So when I changed into my athletic clothes and went out of my apartment and take a walk just around the block. And to think of it, there were lots of things I miss out seeing when I am rushing everyday going to work. But this time, while walking and having the time in the world, I decided to see my immediate vicinity in a different perspective, seeing its unique beauty and how they create harmony in the environment.

Coming out of the garage area of our apartment, the beautiful flamingo statues actually add a touch of exotic beauty in the small garden, harmonizing itself with the rustic metal bench. There’s also a big metal cauldron, this one could be considered as an “artifact,” from a long lost history of our island.

Such thing are hard to find now a days and might cost you a fortune to buy one. In itself, it is a historical artifact, yet each day, I just pass by without considering its value and importance to our own cultural history. Perhaps one day, I might be able to share to you fellow Hiveians, the rich heritage of our island.

Right across the block from the traffic light, I have seen that the gushing fountain was no more, and there’s a new sign put up on its stead. The pond with the koi and gold fish had been filled with rocks and soil. How long was it? It seems like yesterday, that I was feeding the koi and gold fish out there.

So sad, nothing’s left. But then, the area seems to have a kind of facelift, how could I have missed it, since it was just across the street, and everyday I’m just across waiting for my ride to my work place? Gawd, seems so strange, the area now was so clean and in order, adding a beautiful esplanades in a busy street. The Balete tree is still there, before its roots and branches were a kind of jumble and a mess, yet now, t was trimmed down and its natural beauty comes out.

I sat for a while at the foot of the Balete tree and right across , was also a diptherocarp or a century tree, an acacia which grows decades back, even before the Japanese war, perhaps? Its beautiful canopy offers a cool shade to pedestrians and a dwelling place for different species of birds whose chirping noises could be heard every dusk and early morn. It becomes a prominent landmark in the city.

Crossing the street, I passing through the small plaza with beautifully planted gardens and landscapes. This place is usually full with parents and school children during the day, because it is connected to the main gate of an elementary school. There’s also a nice playground designed for school children. Rizal’s statue was a prominent feature, hence the name Rizal Elementary School. The main thoroughfare was busy with a mix of traditional and modern jeepneys plying their route around the city.

If I will continue my walk, it will bring me to the center of our city, the City Plaza where you can find lots of historical markers and it shows the very unique classical culture of the Negrense. Next, time perhaps, I might be able to take some pictures of our City Center and share to you a glimpse of our history, as to why our city is dubbed as, “The City of Smiles,”

Well, fellow Hivians, beautiful people with beautiful minds, thank you so much for giving some of your precious time in reading my post. This is another entry to Sir @tattoodjay's #wednesdaywalk. Mine, is the pleasure knowing I had at least give you a glimpse of my immediate environs. Till the next time, where ever the wind might blow and take me, know that I share your passion!

Live life to the fullest! Carpe Diem!

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