Wednesday Walk - a stroll along Thurso East seafront to see the castle

Back in September I went to visit my Dad in the far north of Scotland, and went out for a walk down at the seafront one evening just before sunset.


It was quite a nice clear evening. You can park at the harbour and then talk a footpath down to Thurso East, where you will find Thurso Castle.


The main part of the castle is derelict now - they had to take it down due to poor workmanship as it was becoming unsafe.


I used to play a lot down here as a kid, and as you can see in the photo above, thats someone else's job now ! Some kids have been building a fort within the stones on the sea front !


Above is one of the shorebreak sea walls that runs out to provide protection along the coast here, as the waves can be pretty horrendous when the weather is bad.


We walked right up past the castle. You can just make out the path, its really overgrown these days which is a shame. The path goes for quite a few miles, but this was as far as we could go easily as there was a land slip that had taken away the path.


I also used to play in these rock pools a lot as a kid. A lady was down there with one of her kids doing the same, which was nice to see.


And above is my attempt at an arty shot of one of the old mock towers that use to sit out at the sea front but has now been badly damaged by erosion from the sea.


And on the way back to the car I caught a shot of these flowers against the sky which was starting to turn quite nicely for sunset.

It was a lovely walk and I usually do go down there for a stroll each time I'm in the north to visit my dad.

Thats my post for this week. I'm looking forward to reading through the others from around the world - all the best from Scotland !!


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