Wandering Around Cebu IT Park During Night Time


Cebu IT Park in Cebu City, Philippines is always bustling with activity, being home to numerous business process outsourcing companies. Whenever I can, I take a break from work to enjoy the fresh air outside. Walking around Cebu IT park is a great way to de-stress and recharge, and the presence of CCTV cameras and security personnel makes it indeed a safe place. In fact, the park is perfect for nighttime walks, hikes, and jogs, as there are ample lighting and security measures in place.




This is the view outside my workplace, Cebu Filinvest Cyberzone Tower 2. Situated at the entrance of the second gate in Cebu Park, the area boasts a spacious driveway where employees are dropped off at the Cebu Filinvest Cyberzone Tower 2 . The place is impeccably maintained with utility personnel constantly cleaning and mopping the area to ensure it remains clean and tidy.


Barangay Seoul , a Korean restaurant located just outside my workplace, has been trending all over social media due to its popularity. Because of me not being a fan of Korean food, I haven’t tried to eat here although this is just outside my workplace. I noticed many customers waiting in line to dine at the restaurant, especially on weekends. While unsure if the hype is worth the wait, I may consider trying the restaurant in the future. I am simply walking around the area and passing by for now.



While walking around my workplace, I noticed an employee dropped off by a famous motor taxi company in the Philippines which is called Angkas. It's interesting to note that many people in our office utilize motor taxis as their primary mode of transportation to work. Motor taxis are incredibly convenient, as they can easily maneuver through heavy traffic and are much cheaper than traditional taxis. They are especially useful when you're in a hurry and need to meet deadlines. In the Philippines, Angkas is one of the most popular motor taxi companies particularly in Cebu. However, there are many other available motor taxi companies as well such as Maxim, Joy Ride, Move it and so much more. The invention of motor taxis has undoubtedly made our lives much more comfortable, convenient, and faster, especially for those of us working in the business processing outsourcing world, where time is always of the essence. It's a relief to know that motorcycle taxis are always there to save the day.




Working in a corporate jungle, I'm accustomed to seeing towering buildings every day. However, seeing them at night is a different experience altogether. The buildings are illuminated with vibrant lights, and the tinted windows reflect the hustle and bustle of other business processing outsourcing companies. It's amazing to see how hardworking the people inside these buildings are, as they work day and night to meet their needs. The opposite building from my workplace is another business process outsourcing company, and it's inspiring to witness their dedication to the job.

Working in a business processing outsourcing company can be both challenging and rewarding. As frontline workers, we strive hard to deliver quality work that reflects not only our company but also our Filipino values. Personally, I find joy in communicating with clients from different parts of the world and representing our company in the best way possible. It may not always be easy, but it is definitely convenient in terms of flexibility and opportunities for growth.


As I was walking around, I head up and saw the HM Tower and The Calyx. To the left, that is The HM Tower a building with a business processing outsourcing offices. On the right, there's the white Calyx Condominium. It's my everyday view. I am stationed at the 19th floor so I can clearly see this from above. Though not many people live there, perhaps due to its cost. Only the wealthy can afford it. Imagine working, doing graveyard shifts, and seeing this view. There's a foreigner who always stays outside on one of the balconies, and we often talk about how life could be challenging for us while he enjoys his. We work all night, while he relaxes. We wonder when we'll ever experience such luxury.

Every time I walk around different places, I always feel like I have so many things in mind. I always stumble upon the idea of meeting different people from different races, different cultures, and, of course, with different beliefs and different philosophies. I know that once you're walking around, no matter where the place the will be, each person you will pass by and pass throug, They all have different stories; they all have something they are protecting, they all have something they are working for, and they all have stories to share. Every time I walk around, I always find time to make life realizations, and I always overthink a lot, especially in a place like this where most of the people are hard-working employees. You'll be able to appreciate a lot of what you already have and, of course, what is coming next.






On my way back to the office, I spotted a man selling a Filipino delicacy called Taho or Filipino Silken Tofu With Tapioca Pearls and Brown Sugar Syrup. It's best enjoyed when hot, and the preparation includes adding the silken tofu first, the tapioca pearls next, and then lastly, a condensed milk mixture. It's a perfect morning drink that both kids and adults will enjoy. It is ranged from ₱5.00 to ₱20.00.



Today, I had the best drink for the entire day which was a cup of taho , which I enjoyed before taking a walk towards the garbage bins to throw my trash. However, I was frustrated when I saw that people couldn't throw their trash properly despite the segregation sign on the bin. It's one of my pet peeves when people ignore basic instructions. But that's not my only pet peeve; I also can't stand it when people push the pull door when entering a building. It's a clear sign that says "pull," yet some people still do the opposite. This situation is almost the same. People did not throw their trash inside the bin, rather, placed it above the garbage bins. Others even go beyond that and just throw their trash anywhere but inside the proper bin. How hard could it be to find the right place to throw your trash?

Cebu IT park has a lot of workers who ensure its cleanliness and orderliness, smoking is strictly prohibited in the area, except for designated smoking zones. Violators will face penalties and consequences. The management prioritizes cleanliness, so it's important for visitors or employees working around the vicinity to do their part in keeping the place clean and organized. There are a lot of garbage cans and trash bins all over the place. If you could afford a two hundred peso drink, then you might as well afford the basic decency to throw your trashes in the right places.

I then went back to my office and worked some couple of remaining hours.
It was almost the end of my shift.


The best thing about work is getting out of it. Lol. It was finally time to go home after a long day at work. I walked towards the jeepney stop over. Let me catch a ride. Ciao!

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