Wednesday Walk - Rainhill Hike (Part 3)

Greetings from North-West, South Africa!

This will be the final part of my walk at Rainhill Farm (For this trail at least.)

If you have been following this hike you will already know that Rainhill farm is an extremely interesting (...and very large) piece of land spanning over 22Ha.

Picking up where we left off last time, thing were about to get a little bit creepier.

Shortly after leaving the old farmhouse, I stumbled across this, tucked away at the base of a tree, just slightly removed from the path. My best guess would be that it must be some memorial for a pet or something but seeing as I tend to be overly curious about things, I do plan on going back to Rainhill again soon. This time I am hoping to get to speak to the owners and find out exactly what they know about the history of Rainhill. If I am lucky they might have a few stories to share because I have so many questions...

Another old building, I did not go in to this one as it looked like the kind of place that would be infested with not so friendly spiders.

I definitely want to ask the owners about best guess is that it is some sort of art display but I have no idea as to what the message behind it is. Can anyone guess what it is trying to say? Also feels quite ominous, but maybe that is just me an my big wild imagination again.


I found another small building and some old bathrooms/toilets, which were too overgrown for me to go into.

The bright and beautiful flowers looked almost out of place compared to the earlier mood of the place.

The path soon became quite rugged again, leading into a bit of a squeeze past the fence, with a steep drop on the other side of it, I was trying to balance on the stones which were very loose underfoot, so I did not get a good photo of it.

Soon the hike was over, the last few meters leading back to where we had started earlier.

Hartley's, named after the family who bought the property from the original owners.

I am not quite certain what this is, some kind of old farming equipment probably.

There is a lot more than hiking to do if you choose to visit Rainhill Farm.. an obstacle course, for those who feel up to it.

...or you could just sit back and enjoy some food, a drink or even a dip in the pool.

There are also lots of interesting odds and ends, if. like me, you just want to run around taking photos all over the place.

Well that's it! The end of my first hike at Rainhill Farm. I have since gone back for a second more challenging hike (I got stuck on the mountain for a bit, but that's a story for another time.)

Till next time!

Credit : All photos are my own, taken using Nikon D5000
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If you want to see more photos from these hikes (and some slightly more arty photos) I am slowly adding some of them to Instagram

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