A trip to a little village in Polish mountains (Part 2)

Last month I told you about a trip to a little Polish village, Istebna with my parents. I love to talk a lot, so the article grew to a monster size, hence why I had to split it into more parts.

Once we were back at the carpark, my parents both decided that was enough of walking for one day, but I looked at my watch, showing barely 5k steps and the weather app saying there is still an hour of sunlight available and decided to go for some more exploration of the area. Those little paths with steps and beautiful surroundings were so inviting…

I left them both in my car and went for a little more exploration of the area. The park around the carpark was beautifully landscaped and my eyes and camera were trying to soak as much of the beauty of it as physically possible.

It was All Saints Day in Poland. Although mid week, it was a public holiday that day, but the place was pretty much empty. No wonder, everyone was either home with their family or out on the cementary, visiting the graves. That's partly the reason why I chose this day for a trip to the mountains. I knew there won't be so many people around. I love my me time :)

Had my parents knew how easy will be this part of the walk, they would probably join me, but I already wore them out by walking up the very steep hill, so they had enough. Look at those easy steps. I was happily running up and down to add some extra steps to my daily count.

I reached some sitting place at the top of one of those hills and I was a bit disappointed that the path didn't lead any further up. I walk all around it, but there were just woods.

Oh well, down the hill we go again. I was having fun anyway, just exploring some new areas that I haven't visited before. I promised myself to do a similar trip every time I visit Poland by car from now on. The drive was less than 2 hours. Sometimes I spend more time in the car to get to London for a salsa part and that's alm ost every weekend. I should really put more effort in discovering my own country, don't you think?

Or maybe even buy myself a little house in the mountians? Not this one, that's way too big. Something smaller and cuter :)

Ernesto also had lots of fun running up and down the steps. We toom some cool pictures too... just for fun.
Do you know the name of this plant by any chance? I remember it from my childhood. It was the only thing alive when colder days came. We would pick it and step on it to make it pop. Just a silly thing to do. That day I just took a picture of it - no poping ;)

Now down the steps again until I can see the road and the mountains on the horizon.

What a view! I wouldn't mind waking up to this every morning. I wonder how well my creative juices would run in those surroundings? My friend Tina keep saying how much she would love to come to Poland with me one day and I keep telling her I will take her to the Polish mountains. So far it didn't happen, but hopefully one day...

As I continue my solitary walk I was lucky enough to find some flowers. The only type that still shows some colour at this time of the year. It was the 1st day of November after all ;)

November/December seem to be my time of visiting Poland the past couple years. Maybe next year I visit in spring, when everything wakes up to life. I'd sure collect many beautiful pictures then :)

Good side of visiting in fall is that I was able to find some mushrooms! Not a #FungiFriday, but I guess I can snaek a few of those in. It's our polish Rudy Rydz! Or as I recenctly learned lactarius deliciosus. I didn't dare to pick them from this beautiful park those, as the whole place is decorated by cctv and I wasn't sure if picking mushrooms was allowed, so I just took a few pictures to tease my auntie later.

There was surprising big amount of mushrooms there still for that time of the year. I was already very cold in the mountains. I saw many that already gave in to the cole weather, but a few were still perky enough to pose for me.

I thought they looked especially cute surrounded by the moss, like the most precious, soft carpets.

I circled once more around the carpark to complete my 10k steps and read some labels of plants growing around them. Various seeds were still decorating the place in a nostalgic kind of way. The way that makes you ponder about cycles or nature and life in general.

My pondering was interrupted by the sudden arrival at the carpark, where I realised my car was moved to another spot. My dad is a prankster. He probably wanted to give me a scare that my car was stolen or something 🤣 So old, yet he never fully grew up. I guess I have that after him ;)

I got in the car pretending I haven't noticed anything... off we go to find a nice place for a dinner! We drove a little while before my dad spotted a perfect place to stop.

But that's a story for another day. Now it's getting late and I have one more day to wake up for work at 6:20 before the weekend starts for me and of course I've already created a monster, so I better stop typing now.

I also need to tell you about 'Park Linowy' (on the sign below), that we found during our little walk. That was an adventure on its own!

Until next time 💙

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