A walk to a body of water is a wonderfully beneficial vacation. Ukraine, Kossy village

Hello, friends!

My name is Elena, I live in Ukraine and this is my first post in the "Wednesday Walk" community. I recently found out about the existence of this community and I really liked the idea of it. Sharing impressions and photos from your walks is very cool!!!

Today I want to share my recent walk to a water body, which is located in a picturesque village called Kossy. I live in an area where in ancient times there was a deep navigable river called the Dry Yagorlyk. About 200 years ago, due to natural changes, the main riverbed went deep underground. And on the surface there are only a few reservoirs left, as well as bowl-shaped valleys, which the Sukhoy Yagorlyk River washed out in its time. Now villages are located on the places that used to be filled with water. One of these villages is Kossy. Interestingly, the inhabitants of these villages still find ancient coins, clay pots and other archaeological finds in their vegetable gardens, which confirm that the river was navigable and used as a trade route.

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I really enjoy observing nature. Clouds are reflected in the water surface, the wind sways the reeds, and huge poplars can be seen in the distance. There are swans, ducks, frogs, and sometimes fish jump out of the water.
When you are in nature, it helps to relieve stress very well and you get a special calmness, which is impossible to feel in a noisy city.

Then evening comes and it's time to go home. It's always a little sad because you want to stay a little longer. I have a dream - to stay overnight near this pond and look at the stars. I hope it will come true someday.

Thank you for your attention and I wish you all beautiful walks that will lift your spirits!!!

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