I Asked The Wolf



I don't drive by that road, unless I go to Toulouse. But today for some reason, it's a instead-of-turning-left-I-turn-right type of situation, and I ended up in front of my totem again...

Maybe you have a totem, maybe you don't even know what I am talking about, but for me, it's the wolf.
Like him, I trust my pack, and like him, I do work well with others if there is a clear alpha.

I think we all have the sacrificial lamb and the wolf in within ourselves, and depending on the situation, you can be one or the other.

On that day, I wanted to meditate on the true meaning of bravery, and find inspiration.
I sat here for a minute, I almost forgot that I was on a mission.



I don't think there is a camera that exist, that will transcribe, translate life as well as just taking in, and feeling it.
If they make a new Occulus that will try to emulate life, but I doubt you will ever be able to reproduce the feeling you get from the immensity of the mountains, the clarity of the water from a waterfall, or a simple bird landing on a branch.

That day, I didn't have a camera anyway, I didn't have a good phone. It only has 4MP, that's terrible! How dare you even taking pictures?

So instead of thinking of what shots I could do, what the post will be about, I thought. How about no post...


The sun feels warm, on that bench.

I am the lamb...Every time I say "yes" to someone asking me for something I didn't want to particularly do.
I am also the lamb when I don't speak my mind, and let the interlocutor take over the conversation, or when I listen to the news.

I become the wolf, once I switch off the news again. The wolf is the one that can sense danger, and stay alert, protect the pack. The wolf doesn't need your opinion, nor your consent.


I might record here one of these days, it's at the entrance of the village so I don't know how much nuisance I am allowed to do. There is a graveyard though 😁



Some places look that they haven't moved for centuries, and you even have a photo to prove it.
It feels like one of these women from the picture, could pop out of the building, only a few details are different, like the tree, the road wasn't made of asphalt yet, but everything else is just the same.



It's really weird, when you start thinking of all the people that lived before you, and were there, living like you currently are, breathing the same air, resting on the same bench. If you're alive right now, congratulation to you, you made it to the finals!!

It's kind of a big responsibility on your shoulders though, humanity. Let's say if the entirety of humanity jumps off a bridge tomorrow, does it mean it's the end of "The Humans"?

Don't jump off the bridge then! We need you all!

Saint-Roch Church



Again, I wasn't even thinking of posting, this is the bad phone, who in their right mind would post pictures with so little megapixels?
I don't think the generation before us were thinking about megapixels when they were taking a picture. They were probably just amazed that they could capture the moment, even if just in black and white, with 4 pixels.



Unsurprisingly, the garden, the village, the church, were empty. It's rare nowadays if I bump into people. Maybe it is the apocalypse after all, I don't think I would see the difference around Blajan, because the place has been dead for a while now.


Even the deads were happy to see me, I don't think they get much visitors.

You're the wolf. When you finally find the courage to tell the person you have a crush on that you love her/him, or when you stop the bus that almost drove over a dog. That was a close one!

You're the lamb, when you're doing something "for the greater good", let everyone passing first in the queue at the super market, because "I am in no rush", or when you turn a blind eye on injustice.

It's interesting that our fear of confrontation, and our generosity are strangely intertwined, making our motives moot. Maybe there is no "greater good", maybe just our own good.



I really wonder where they're all gone, the wolves.


Maybe they've been chased away to the mountains, hoping to find other wolves.


A lot's of them lost their lives so we can stand here today, does it mean they were lambs after all?

Maybe all I need is a little bit of perspective...

How about being an eagle?


Thanks for reading this pixelized rumbling, how about your totem? Which animal are you?

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