A little walk along the Cinta Costera of La Guaira


Cinta Costera de La Guaira, Venezuela, January 2 2024

Hello, Hivers and Wednesday Walkers!

Some of you may remember that last week for the #WednesdayWalk I told you about a walk on the beach at the beginning of the year. Today I'll tell you about another little walk we did that same day. On our way back from the beach, we stopped at La Cinta Costera of La Guaira to stretch our legs a bit before taking the highway back to the city.

In this area, they have made a pedestrian promenade that runs parallel to Soublette Avenue along a stretch of the coast. It is a pleasant place to stroll in the evening. I have told you about this place some time ago.

We managed to park in front of a multicolored structure. It was fortunate that we were able to get there because a couple of minutes after we parked there was a crash on the avenue, three vehicles were involved and a big queue of vehicles started to form.


The colorful structure had a fountain in front of it that was not working. It must look very pretty with the fountain on.


Behind the colored structure, you have this beautiful view.


People were arriving at the place. Especially many families with children were walking towards the amusement park where the ferry wheel is located, which has the name Ojo de La Guaira.


We decided to walk in the opposite direction and moved away from the amusement park.


We walked towards the airplane to take some pictures. On this plane, there is a restaurant. I have never been there, but I have heard that it is a bit expensive.


At the foot of the airplane, there is a cafeteria. We were tempted to go in, but we didn't want to dawdle and linger any longer. We knew we would probably find heavy traffic on the road back to town since that day the beaches we passed on the way back from the beach we visited were crowded. So we made do with the photos.


We stopped to admire the view once again.


There were several pelicans in the sea. But from where we were, it was hard to get a good picture of them. I was content taking pictures of these pelicans flying closer to us.



Another view of the coast, and then we decided to return to the car to start our way back to the city. We left the coffee for another time.


Already in the car, on our way, I could take this picture towards the port of La Guaira, the second most important of the country.


There was not much activity. I guess because of the date, it was January 2nd, and there was only one ship near the port.


As we suspected, on the way back home, we were caught in some traffic. But we returned satisfied with our day at the beach.

This is my post for this week's #wednesdaywalk challenge hosted by @tattoodjay in collaboration with #makemesmile hosted by @elizacheng.

Thank you for reading.

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

January 10, 2024

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