A glimpse of the Cinta Costera in Macuto

Hello, Hivers! And as we are still in the first week of the year! Happy New year, everyone!

How has your first Wednesday walk of the year been going? Today, I've been doing some unfinished business at home that couldn't wait, and I haven't been able to go for a walk. Maybe, I'll do it a little later around here, but today for Wednesday's walk, I'll be bringing you a very short one that I made last Wednesday. Some of you may remember that last week I mentioned that we went to the beach and took a walk in a place called La Punta de Los Caracas. Then we went to the beach, and I have yet to tell you about it, but on the way back, one of the stops we made was at a promenade in an area called Macuto. This part of the Cinta Costera is very nice for a walk in the evenings when the sun is going down.


The first thing we saw when we passed by, and that had also caught our attention when we were going to the beach, was a big Ferris wheel. It must be a lot of fun to ride it at sunset. Do you like Ferris wheels, or are you one of those who are afraid of them? I love them.


The promenade had a few Christmas decorations.


And some small stalls.

The promenade looked so nice, and the sun was already setting. It wasn't hot at all. So we decided to stop for a few minutes to enjoy the walk and the views.


There was a big tent with cement benches to sit on.


We decided to walk in the opposite direction to where the Ferris wheel was. And here is a view of the Promenade with it in the background.


On the opposite side, and towards where we walked, there was a construction in the shape of an airplane.


We approached it to see what was in the place.


It was a place with several shops. At least it had a nice-looking cafe and a bar overlooking the sea, where it must be nice to have a drink while enjoying the view.


The idea of having a coffee was tempting at that hour, but we left it for another time. We had a long way to go back to the city, and we didn't want to have to travel at night on the highway leading to Caracas.

So we decided to go back to the car.

But not before stopping to admire the view.


And fill ourselves with a bit more of the sea breeze to close with a flourish a great day at the beach.

Then we got in the car and continued on our way while we listened once again to the song Pais Tropical.

This is my post for this week's #wednesdaywalk challenge hosted by @tattoodjay in collaboration with #makemesmile hosted by @elizacheng.

Thank you for reading.

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

January 4, 2023

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