Sandy Cleanup Walk

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to appreciate taking a little time to clean up the sand at the lake, and get some exercise out of it!


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Sandy Cleanup Walk

My son and I spend quite a bit of time at the family lake house and it only makes sense to take the opportunity, when presented, to do some cleaning of the area!

Often times people don't have the time or level of effort required to do cleanup of areas like this, which is unfortunate. We are trying to do our best to enjoy places, it only makes sense to also spend some time and effort to keep them clean! I don't know why that seems to be a challenging concept these days, but sadly it is lol. Thankfully the little man and I are always up for a little bit of work!


With the autumn season coming to a close, and the winter descending upon us, that means that the lake is at prime opportunity to come by and do some cleaning. We've been coming here to clean up the sand for a few years now and every single time we do it, we find more stuff to clean up lol that seems to be the way things go! There are lots of nails, bottle caps, pieces of glass and various other pieces of refuse and just junk. I appreciate swimming here and playing in the water with my son, so it only makes sense that we also take the time to come here and clean the damn place up! I know that I would be pissed off if I stepped on something, but I would be freaking livid if my son stepped on something. That shit ain't cool!


It's also a great time to get outside in the cooler weather, where we are spending more time in the house than we do the rest of the year, and get some sunshine! We all desperately need some additional vitamin D and fresh air, so it's a great thing to be able to go out here and accomplish a few things at once. Cleaning is some great exercise and I think something that many people don't regard as something for an easy form of exercise that also accomplishes the task at hand.

I think it's also important to instill in the youngest generation that one of the best things that we can do is make sure we do things ourselves when we can, and not pass it off to somebody else. This is a crucial thing to learn because in the current day and age we live in, there is far too much delegation of responsibility to others and that is a bad precedent to set for them. It leads to all kinds of negative outcomes in the end as far as work ethic and others.


The little man is also getting older, which means he's a damn good help! He's always been great at doing these types of things but certainly as he gets older, he's able to last for longer and do more work which is great. This pays off in spades, although I certainly don't mind doing the work myself it makes it go a bit faster when we have two people doing it instead of one!

It was interesting that there were a few recent flurries that fell, not really enough to stick to the pavement but the sand where it's not as warm it sticks well enough to so that's nice to see some of the white stuff already!


We've got this section right here coming up when we can make our way back up. We've got a few things that are going to occupy our time for the next little bit, given it's the holidays and all that, so I hope we can come back before there's a bunch of snow on the ground! I enjoy having something to do on the weekend that isn't staying in the house, and I know the little man absolutely enjoys stretching his little legs and getting exposure to the outside as often as he can. This section over here is going to be a bit more work because the terrain is much more uneven and we haven't done a whole lot to this area yet. It's a good project to tackle on a weekend, so that is something to look forward to!


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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