A worthwhile wednesday walk with my favorite people in the countryside


A worthwhile wednesday walk with my favorite people in the countryside!

Recently I have made a big decision in my life and it was to resign from by job in the city. I know it was a sudden decision ang change of mind but I have my own personal reasons why I chose to go back in my beloved province. That's why you will be expecting a lot of content about my beloved province from now on again. Just like today, me and my cute niece and nephews together with my sibblings, went on a worthwhile wednesday walk to a little farm nearby just to get an edible wild grass or weed for our lunch!

At exactly 7:00 in the morning, after I had my coffee, my sister asked me if I could go along with them to pick some edible weeds named Papait in my province but Amargoso and sarsalida in other areas and are also being called bitter leaf and slender carpetweed to elsewhere of the counrty with the scientific name of Mollugo oppositifolia Linn. Since it was long way back when I had that edible weeds and I was also badly craving for it, I agreed to her invitation without hesitation.

Going to the nearby little farm where we could get the edible weeds, requires a long and a little bit challenging walk. The first thing that we need to pass through is a little bridge in the irrigation. Crossing the bridge, eventhough it was just a little bridge, was very challenging for us as we had our niece and nephews with us. We were very scared of the scenario thay they might fall off the bridge. That we were extra careful in crossing the bridge.


After crossing the little bridge, that's when the fun and somehow tiring walk started. It was somehow tiring because we need to run after the kids as we were afraid that they might stumble. But it was a still fun and benefecial as it also served as our exercise in the morning.


When we have arrived to our destination, the started to pick some edible weeds. And on the other hands, the kids started running ang playing around. But when they got tired of running and playing around, it was so cute seeing them cooperating in picking the edible weeds. The photos were the evidence how cute the little pumpkin was! And I could see that she was really enjoying what we are doing.



Besides, who will not enjoy this nice gloomy weather right? Living in a trophical country where we experience hot weather most of the time, it was such a wonderful day for us to experiece a gloomy one. Kids could play around outside as long as they want without getting exposed to very hot Mr. Sun.


After picking just enough edible weeds for our lunch, we decided to go home. And upon walking and going home, my sister and I took some selfies for remembrance.


When we arrived at home, it was almost lunch time already that's why I cleaned and cooked the weeds immediately. This edible weeds are commonly cooked and prepared as salad in my province. It was usually combined with tomatoes and onion leaks and some spices. It was a perfect viand for lunch. This edible weeds are very healthy. It is eaten to combat diabetes , hypertension, anemia and other various ailments. And having this weeds for our lunch, I could say that this wednesday walk went worthwhile again! And this is the life that I wouldn't trade for anything else, especially to city life!


That's all for today loves! See you again on my next wednesday walk! Until next time! Gracias!
-chica valiente

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