Wednesday Walk: With A Twist & Revelation

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Last week, I received a message from a friend. She asked me out and told me she wanted to spend time with me. Since I have a hectic schedule and I follow my time management well, I replied with the date and time that I am free to go out. Then, she replied with an “Okay.” Everything was settled for a day to bond and converse with this friend. I immediately said yes to her because February was the last time we saw each other.

We planned to meet at a bus station, and we were going to the beach, just the two of us. I hopped into a bus and paid the fare on the way there. I took my phone and started messaging her for updates, and I did not forget to have a glimpse of the rice fields alongside the road.

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Since I always find beauty in greenery, I captured some photos. I am from the province of Zambales, and we have a view of long mountain ranges here. You can witness them along the way, and I always loved the scenes even though I have lived here for 20 years.

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After a few minutes, I hopped out of the bus and saw my friend waiting for me. She was wearing a Maroon dress while holding her tumbler. I didn’t know that she was waiting for me to notice the revelation that she wanted to tell me. When we were already walking toward her favorite café, she asked me if I hadn’t noticed anything. Since I had no idea, she showed me her tummy, and I saw the bump under her lovely dress – she was pregnant. I jumped with happiness and excitement, but I was still in awe.

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We bought some flavored milk tea and went to the beachside. There was a small nipa hut, and we took some rest there after a few walks. Since I felt shocked by the revelation, I started to ask her questions. To sum it all up, she and her partner will be getting married before she gives birth to their child. Also, the family on both sides had already talked. I will not explain further as this is a personal matter. And I wanted to keep my friend’s face hidden out of respect and confidentiality.

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After a few talks, we decided to play with the sand and take a few steps closer to the sea. The weather was as good enough to show us the blue water.

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It was an excellent place for conversations and life stories. While we were there, we also talked about our plans after graduating next year. She even mentioned that her doctor suggested that she must have light physical exercises, like walking. And she grabbed it as a way also to tell me and show me that she was already pregnant.

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She suddenly told me that she was craving “Beef Mami.” Then, she asked me to eat at one of her favorite restaurants in the area. We had to walk for a few minutes before we finally ordered the food we wanted. It was just a tiny stall, but they served tasty foods at a budget-friendly price. I ordered Pares Mami while she wished for the Beef Mami.

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After waiting a few minutes, I spoiled my taste buds, and they were happy. We had to spend a few more time at the restaurant for our tummy to rest. We just talked about random stuff, like missing our Senior High School moments. And we reminisced the days when we experienced cutting classes together. She was my buddy during my two years in Senior High School.

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Luckily, the bus station was only a few walks away from the restaurant where we ate. We only had to cross on a pedestrian lane. While waiting for a bus on our way home, I captured a scene in front of me. I loved the effect of the sunset on the building, plus the blue sky complemented it too. After just a few minutes of waiting, we had already hopped into a bus and went home.

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That’s it. It was a great Wednesday spent with my friend. I am so happy that she will finally become a mother, and I am excited about this another journey unlocked for her. She is also lucky to have supportive parents and a good partner. I have known her partner since then, and they will be great parents to their kiddo.

All in all, it was a day filled with twists and revelations. I love how we shared stories while walking. It was a great #WednesdayWalk.

Thank you for reading. See you on my next blog!

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Blog #7
Date Published: August 3, 2022


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