On the path of the pines


Walking, walking and walking, is probably one of the things we ignore doing, simply because we don't like it, we are tired, it makes me lazy.

However, when you do this type of exercise you always find that your body feels better, you breathe better and well, it also allows you to observe some things step by step.

For example, in this path where I was, it is a small mountain that we would climb and as you can notice on the sides there are a few pine trees, the reason? Probably, someone planted them a few years ago and to this day they are still there.


Walking through these pines that are seen from side to side, I was struck by the strong and violent breeze that passes through these, and make a soft melody that soothes and calms, it is simply like a whistle that goes down and up and so on.

Every time I pass by I raise my gaze towards these pines observing them, something that is pleasant for me.

Besides that, on the way I could also observe a plant whose flowers resembled a bellflower, its orange color with yellow made a very good combination.


I also appreciated at that moment a very nice house, you can see that they have it very well cared for, in fact I could see that there were some people doing some cleaning and painting. Undoubtedly what we want to last we make an effort to maintain it.


Finally, dear reader, with this writing inspired from my perspective, I bid you farewell, thank you for the opportunity.


All photos are my property, captured with my Redmi 9 c phone.

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