6 pack abs on The Beach


This Wednesday marks the beginning of month #4 of my 6 pack ab journey. When the lockdowns began in March of 2020 I started drinking A LOT OF BEER! I got stuck in a really bad place and eventually what I would later learn was that I was also stuck on the wrong island. Beer was my only escape and I began to grow the most glorious beer gut you have ever seen.

I'd been a Pirate for most of my life so beer helped me get through a lot of tough situations and it's a fact that alcohol kills viruses. The corona wasn't going to get me haha!

At the last possible moment, when corona was at it's peak, I finally made a run for it and got on a boat drunk out of my mind and travelled 24 hours to another island. I then traveled an additional 7 hours going around military quarantine check points to finally arrive on the beautiful beach you are now seeing in these pictures.

I walk this beach everyday trying to get healthy again. It took me a month to finally quit drinking everyday. It took an additional 2 months to get control over my diet and it took an extra month before the beer belly started to melt away. I'm averaging about 5 miles a day now walking the beach. I love it. I talk to the Pacific Ocean everyday as if she was an old lost love of mine that I have found again. It's so romantic I'm laughing as I write. In a couple more months when the beer belly is finally gone and my 6 pack abs are showing, I know my soulmate will arrive and I'll meet her while walking the beach.

Thanks for reading and you all have a great Wednesday walk! Pirate for Life, Capt. Wild Bill

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