To The Faraway Countryside - Finding The Lost.

“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep." Luke 15:4-6

Hiking in the middle of the grasslands and sugarcanes under the scorching heat of the sun, I found myself walking full of mixed emotions and my mind full of running thoughts. Today's walk is not my typical exercise walk or my leisure walk. Today I'm out, with my school uniform on, (thankfully I was not wearing high heels)on a hike to these unending greens of grasses leaving my 38 sheep, just to find my lost two sheep.


I left my 38 good students to find the two that are lost.

A brief background.

It's almost 3 months since I noticed my two Grade 12 students (John and Dariel) excessive tardiness and consecutive absences in class. We are in the middle of their Work Immersion and we only have more or less 2 months left before their Graduation, yet these two haven't submitted their requirements and hadn't complied with any single requirement for the semester.

"Don't they like to finish their Grade 12 and graduate this school year? Are they dropping from school already?", I asked their neighboring classmates more than 10 times already.

"Maam, mu-eskwela paman daw sila, they want to graduate". (Maam, they said, they still want to go to school and graduate!") The answer I always got from them.

"But where are they? How can they graduate if they don't come to school and learn!?" I'm honestly getting frustrated with these two.

So I sent them a message via Facebook messenger asking them to come back to school so we can talk and discuss if there was any problem but only got No response from them. I ask their classmates too to bring them to school. Yet, No John and Dariel appeared in the room. This time I wrote a letter to their parents to come to school together with their sons for a heart-to-heart talk and identify what needs to be addressed. Still NO Parents, No Jhon and Dariel showed themselves in the school.

Technically, Jhon and Dariel were already considered "Dropped-outs" for this school year, but for one last chance, for one laaasst chaaance, I need to go and look for them. I must visit their homes, reach out to them, listen to them, and solve what needs to be resolved, after that if still they won't come to school, then I'll drop them automatically and officially.

This may sound very kind, but I honestly am angry, frustrated, and disappointed at them and I think I only had a last drop of patience for them. How could they take for granted their Free Education and my concern for them knowing for a fact that they are one of those students who really need assistance because of their poor performance at school? (Deep sigh)

A walk finding the lost.

Wednesday, 2 o'clock, I set out on a mission of reaching them. Together with me was Jayson, their neighbor, and classmate too.


I was informed that Jhon and Dariel were living in a very countryside and that we can reach the place if we walk but it'd take a lot of time, so Jayson suggested that we will ride a motorbike going to the highway, and walk once we get to the path going to the village where they live.


I learned and discovered that the way going to the village is private property and no stranger is allowed to enter. I talked to the local guard and told him my purpose and he lets' me enter the gate. I learned from Jayson, that every day, they need to pay 10 pesos (0.18USD) for them to pass the gate. They don't have a choice because there's no exit other than this.



We started walking going to our destination. I see no houses so I was wondering how far were we going to walk. And instead of asking, I started to enjoy walking and felt at ease because of the beautiful scenery in front of us. The air was just so fresh and soothing. I must admit I felt the enchanting tranquility of the whole place.


The beautiful rolling mountain, the azure blue sky with its lovely clouds, the lush green sugarcanes and cogon grasses, the view of the little valleys and hills, everything is naturally perfect. I somehow temporarily forgot my troubled thoughts of failing them or finding them and my frustration for them. Little by little the scenic and refreshing view took my heavy mixed emotions away.



As I keep on walking and gazing at the scenery I could feel that my heart started to feel lighter. I was silent during the whole walk as I filled my lungs with fresh air. Gone are the thoughts of scolding them and reprimanding them. I was totally soothed, nature was literally cooling me down. And I couldn't be more amazed by that instant change in my mood!
What a therapy!



We kept on walking on and passed by a small basketball court, fortunately, Jhon and Dariel were there! They were surprised to see me and so was I. I could also see that they felt ashamed and sorry for themselves.



We had a serious conversation. I gave them conditions and we had an agreement.



The next day, I saw them at school. They gave me a bright smile and I nod at them as a sign of welcoming them back. I know in my heart, that the walk I did of finding them will forever be carved in their hearts. I hope they will remember, that once in their life when they were lost and thought of quitting, there was one teacher who looked after them, believe in them, and gave them one more chance. (Ah gotta end this blog now, I'm teary-eyed.)


Teaching in a Public School is a very challenging noble profession. It goes beyond filling students' minds with lessons, giving grades, and disciplining them; it is influencing the student, touching their lives, and showing care, responsibility, and empathy towards them.

Lastly, a walk with nature is 100% therapeutic and soothing.


That's it for this parable-like Wednesday walk. Thank you so much for reading. I wish you all safe and well always.

Don't forget to smile often!😊😍🤗


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