We Took Our Kid For a Walk

I decided. The main place to walk is Herastrau Park in Bucharest. It wasn't a hard decision as this has been my favorite place for decades but I didn't think of declaring it officially until now.

We also prefer smaller and less crowded places but this park has no competition in the city. You just have to avoid the weekend walk...


This image makes me think of the saying that trees die standing up. Here is a kind of central park square in the morning. On weekends it's very crowded.

A large lake in the middle of the park sets it apart from other parks. It satisfies my longing for the sea. The longing for the sea of those who live far from the sea.


The good weather, the sudden rise in temperature after several rainy days, made the park dress in green. It is the most beautiful green now before it is affected by the summer heat.



Spring means rebirth, nature is reborn and we feel it too. Young people, teenagers, feel it the most. I was amazed to see how many chose the rather early morning walk in the park. For a sort of picnic on green grass.


For movement, sport and the pleasure of being together...



... or for romantic dates. Spring is perfect for romance!


As I said in the title, we took our kid for a walk! It was a great joy for the old parents but it was an equally great joy for the kid. Who is now 40 years old.

The child's child was busy in kindergarten and so our child was free to go for a walk with his parents, as he did thirty years ago.


I can claim the concept for the "reward ride"!
I mean there are rides done more for the reward that comes at the end.

In our case, near the park we find our favorite confectionery shop and end up there every time. Usually for a small breakfast...


Because that's not enough, here they have the tastiest profiteroles. Almost no one can resist the temptation, even though it cancels out all the benefits of walking (burning calories). I resist and don't give in to pleasure. I refuse profiteroles!


This was another walk, a walk that repeats itself on the same route and can be boring if I didn't find, each time, something new to see and photograph. That's why I have the courage to tell it every Wednesday!

Park and spring equal, every time, lots of flowers. It's the flowers' moment of glory when you can easily see their joy in showing all their beauty and the eagerness with which they have waited for winter to pass.

I wonder if you've ever seen flowers fenced in? Well, this is a rare and special peony, it is closed not because it wants to get out of here ... It is protected from human activity, which could leave it without flowers.



Because there always has to be a flower, as @dswigle tries to teach us, I'll say you goodbye until next Wednesday!




For #WednesdayWalk by @tattoodjay




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