Sunset at the Baywalk Area

It's been a while and I have been busy due to my midterm exams. Yet, I'm glad that I have find time to make a post for the #wednesdaywalk initiated by Sir @tattoodjay.

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I have some errands to do at the downtown but I have finished the tasks right before sunset. The sight of the sea have been always tempting me to come and look at it in a closer distance. Also, I feel like not goin home at the moment. Why not wander for a while and take a walk, right?


This is the Pope John Paul II tower in a closer look. It is still not yet open for visitors as of the moment due to the Covid19 restrictions.


This is a temporary amusement park that they have put up every Masskara Festival. This will operate here until the end of the month. It looks exciting but I don't want to experience that again, especially their Ferris Wheel. It speeds up turning around like thrice of what it's actually like in the movies. not a romantic place to have date in a time like this. You better watch the sunset at Baywalk.

I go on walking forward until I reached the entrance of the Baywalk Area. A lot of people has been going around despite the rain that ruined my plans to see a beautiful sunset once in a while for I don't go out that much.


I paid Php 20 or $0.34 for the ticket. I thought that this is a public place and it's free but it's not. Maybe, it's for the maintenance of the site.



I took a shade on the police's desk for a while since they have a canopy. It didn't took a while when the rain stopped, and gave me the chance to wander and satisfy my eyes.


A group of people were taking a picture in the baywalk signboard. I was going to take a pictures also, but just let them finish first.


Finally, it's my turn. Welcome to the Baywalk Area!


A giant Rhum and a giant soft drink displayed in front of each of their respective canopies. A ramp for skaters and a there is a stage in the front for those who wanted to perform and promote their talents to the audience which is held for free.


Foods are always present everywhere here. You can see food stalls in every corner of the street day and night. This place isn't an exemption, too. My tummy was growling when I saw these street foods, so I ordered one. A cup of french fries for Php 20 and two kwek-kwek for Php 35.



Actually, most of the stalls around the area are all food stalls. I haven't wandered around the area completely but most of what I have seen sells food and beverages.


I looked for a dry place here to sit beside the sea. Feel its breeze and smell its salty waters while I eat because there was no vacant seats left at the stalls.


I moved to the end of the area when I saw a small boat and a cottage. In all honestly, I'm just sick seeing these couples because I'm single. Just kidding. :))


There is surely a boat when I arrived here. I climbed on the elevated side where people sit to take a closer look and have a good shot of it.


A small floating cottage is adjacent to it. I initially thought that the boat is for rent. I went here with that thought and excited, yet it's not. Shame! It's a coastguard's property.


I can already see the sunset at the distance. I tried taking my best shots of it but it all failed by the gloomy skies. This was all my best so far.


A Zumba Party was starting when I got at the stage. I'm not fond of this kind of event, so I continued to find the exit.


This team is another challenger, and from what I have heard, they were having raffles afterwards. I have a piled up topics to review at home, so I really should find the exit here.

That's it for now, Hivers. See you at my next walks.

All of the photos are mine unless stated otherwise. Page divider came from the Discord server of the The Terminal. Thanks for reading!

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